A Gift to Remember

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A/N: Thank you for all the reviews and continued outpouring of support and affection for these characters and the story. I promise it is nearly over, and yeah it's a tough ride...I apologise in advance..but you guys should be used to me by now lol XD Please VOTE, comment, share, and of course let me know what you think. Love CJ


A Gift to Remember

SouthWestern Greenwood
the Great:
The old Realm of Amon Lanc


Clara POV


Days passed, or even weeks, at this point in time I could not be sure. All I was assured of was pain and punishment, but not death, death would be too forgiving.

From the moment I was taken hostage by Galour I was subjected to slew of humiliating torture.

Stripped of most of my clothes, I was forced to walk and sleep in nothing but a light under-tunic and ripped trousers. The wintry chill meant I suffered the effects of the night frost, which could have been bearable if that was not all I was tortured with.

I soon discovered that I would be escorted to my final destination by other less savoury companions. There were orcs, and a few goblins, but also a band of brutes; the evil shaman with their dark gifts. I was quick to learn that these were Galour's new family, they had taken him in and freed his mind from the corruption of the Valar - or at least this is what he claimed. By his rotted and twisted appearance I could only assume he had been initiated into their ranks using cruel methods...methods I would soon become acquainted with.

We travelled mostly by cover of darkness, and so during their states of rest I was subject to their bloodthirsty desires. I was beaten so regularly that I soon learned to accept it, the various punches and strangulation attempts all began to blur into one and so I stopped fighting them.

When I stopped reacting to their violence they would burn me with torches, or hold me over their crude fires until I screamed, but I fought the pain and I fought the screams. I would not cry out in agony or fear, if I made a cry it was one of frustration and hatred.

Galour, not satisfied with my stubbornness, resorted to humiliation tactics to satisfy his sick desires.  He would make me cook his rotted food, and when through he would tip the scalding water over me and spew his hatred towards my family and I, in vile and degrading rants.

I would not speak, I would not succumb to them, and although I was terrified I refused to show it. They would not tell me their plans or why they kept me alive, and all Galour would give away was a dark sneer and a deadly promise that the worst was yet to come...I believed him.

But I endured. I endured because I had no choice. My children kept me alive, kept me sharp, and kept my mind clear. I would think of a way to escape or survive long enough to ensure their safety. Although I was ignorant to their plans, I was not so stupid as to not listen and piece together what I could.

I was not their intended victim - this was my first discovery - it was my daughter they desired. The mystics believed that she had the gift of the forest witch of before, and I assumed they meant Lassiel. It was their intentions to take my daughter in the hope of reducing Thranduil's hold on the forest, making it easier for them to corrupt and claim. Galour had been aiding them in attempting to track my children for years, but they had been met with our countermoves. It was by happy chance that they discovered that Thranduil's Queen was abroad, and so they launched their attack. I believe it may have been their hope to take both of us, and even Legolas if they could, but I had successfully outsmarted them and hidden my children well. I was all they would gain.

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