15. Craving Solace

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A/N: This chapter has a romantic element. It's not terribly descriptive - but there are some serious scenes that may not be "intimate" but are enough to make me raise the rating for safety reasons.  Just thought I would issue this note first - thank you! Please votes/comment/read. Love CJ xo

Media: Cover of Taylor Swift's 'This Love' - by Kianos.
When I'm asked about 'what's Thranduil/Clara song' I don't have one that comes to mind, but, this cover is beautiful and in my mind it nearly sums up entirely Clara's devotion at this point in time (if Clara had a voice I'd nearly think that was it) please give it a listen.


With the sleeves of my mauve button down dress shoved somewhere above my elbows - and my hair scooped up in a haphazard bun atop my head - I busily work together a thick poultice.

I scan the barely legible and tattered notes that Galion had sent up to me not but an hour after Thranduil arrived home. He was quite persistent that I had to follow the instructions exactly as written by Lord Elrond himself because, and I quote; 'It has to be just right or the fragile healing may be jeopardized.'

Good grief! I don't think this little control freak realises that I have been under Calanon's tutelage since I got here. I think I know how to make an elvish healing balm by now...ugh!

As I vent my frustrations on the mushy substance in front of me, I absently sigh and flick my head up to shake flyaway hairs from my eyes. When I do, I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror hung on the far wall of our bedchamber and groan. This is not exactly how I wanted to look on the very first night my long absent lover returns from the wars.

I swear my hair just refuses to do anything other than kink up messily at the ends...it will neither curl nor stay straight...so a messy bun is hardly going to improve matters. And this dress...my working shift dress...what was I thinking? Has it really been that long that you cannot remember to put in a teensy bit of effort Clara! Hmm...maybe I could change quickly before Thranduil finishes putting the children to bed - but into what? This is ridiculous, why am I having this inner debate whilst mixing a poultice, and brewing healing tonics on the fire? This is not even a romantic reunion. He needs rest, and healing, and I really need to stop being so neurotic.

With a disgusted snort at my stupid internal ramblings, I rip the towel from over my shoulder to briskly clean my hands before scampering over to the fire to check the herbal tea bubbling away contentedly. I pop the lid off and breathe in the strong aroma - it smells vile, which means it is probably extremely good for you. I have made many of these teas before, and specifically for Legolas after his stab wound, so I know how unappealing they can be. In anticipation of this I have snuck in a jar of honey from the kitchens, and I plan to give my more than deserving husband a generous spoonful of it to dampen the nose crinkling taste. I am sure that will go down a treat, considering he has a notorious sweet tooth.

I just want to make him as comfortable and relaxed as I possibly can, for I know he won't be given long to recover. I am sure there will be twittering of coronations and other such decadent fanfares by this time tomorrow, and as much I know this is necessary it doesn't make it any less daunting to listen to.

"My lady, would you like the bath water any warmer?" A servant elleth pipes up, making me jump slightly...I had completely forgotten I wasn't on my own.

To Live Again: Waiting Between Worlds {Lord of the Rings Fanfiction}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora