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You grabbed your bags and tipped the Uber. "That'll be 20.85 ma'am," he said, extending his hand for his payment. You grabbed the money out of your backpack and while you were grabbing the wad of cash, you suddenly remembered that last time you rode with an Uber, it wasn't this much. "Here you go. Don't go spend it all on Jack," you said, handing the crinkled money into the stingy bastards palm. "I won't. Have a nice day." You said the same to him, but didn't really mean it. The tall, brown, and rusty apartments stood sky high as the rooms stacked and stacked on top of each other. I wonder what kind of drug heads and murderers could be in there, you thought to yourself.
Your parents moved out of state and left you behind. Being some-what financially stable and okay, you decided to make a living for yourself by moving to New York. You approached the building and walked through the automatic doors, meeting the apartment manager at the door. "Hello! Welcome to Rosewood Apartments. I'm Cindy, how may I help you on this fine day!?" What you wanted to say to Cindy is "Can you please tone down your speaking level, because you are yelling basically and it's giving me a fucking head ache", however you gave your name and spoke about how you needed a room. "Okay! Y/N, follow me and we will fit you for an apartment!" She stood up from her chair, surprisingly taller than what you had thought she would be, and followed her tapping heels.
Hours went by and you finally found the one. It was roomy, yet small enough for you to contain cleanliness and your sanity. The kitchen wasn't that big which made it easier to clean and the living room was big enough for you to hold a small get together and still have enough space to lounge out. "I'll take it!" Cindy clapped, "That's wonderful! ....Oh." You looked at her, confused and puzzled. When she said "Oh" she didn't sound that much like her go happy self, which made you worry that Cindy was having a midlife crisis right in your living room. "Um, are you okay?" You asked, placing and awkward hovering hand over her shoulder to show somewhat comfort. "Yes, yes! I'm fine. It's just that, you see, the room beside you a couple walks down gets noise complaints. So, I didn't want that to bother you!" You shook your head, "I'm sure it's no big deal! We are rooms apart, so I'm sure they can't be that loud." Cindy smiled a uneasy smile at you. She took a deep breath and put her hand up to shake yours, "Alright! Then welcome to RoseWood! Enjoy your apartment life!" You thanked her for her cooperation and sent her on her way. You looked around feeling content with your surroundings, which boosted your mood a little more. It's going to be fun Y/N, you said to yourself, trying to help yourself out a little more with positive thinking. You went to your bed and placed your bags in your room, telling yourself that'd you unpack tomorrow morning.
You looked at your phone to check the time.
11:30 P.M.
You sighed to yourself, hoping that when you lay to rest that your insomnia doesn't kick in. However, insomnia was the least of your worries when you finally closed your eyes to rest.

"What's up everybody-"
The rest you couldn't hear quiet well. You woke up, pant-less, and wrapped your blanket around you for coverage. Then you hauled your ass to where the noise was coming from.
Maybe you should've talked to Cindy a little more about the room situation.

"Why do you guys have to be such retards. I mean why can't-"
You knocked on the door, cutting him off from what whatever he was doing, dogs started barking.
"Cut. Make sure to edit where I took off from."
You shook your head, what in the world could this guy be filming at 1 A.M.?

The door opened and you looked up, meeting a man who was way to tall and scrawny to be causing that much noise. He put one of his arms on the door framed and leaned in closer, studying you. His greenish brown eyes that were covered behind thick frames resting on his nose were scanning you up and down, and about 2 seconds into him doing that, you just weren't feeling it anymore.
"What the fuck are you doing?" You asked, making sure to put emphasis on your language. He did a smile that showed all his perfectly straight teeth and then he spoke, a smell of some kind of energy drink lingered in his words. "I was just filming and then you interrupted, so the question is," he paused by pushing up his glasses," what the fuck are you doing?" You cocked your head and squinted at him. What the fuck does he think you're trying to do at 1 A.M.? "I'm trying to sleep. That's what I'm doing." He looked at you and scoffed, "Well, doesn't look it to me! You're standing right here, making me waste my time from recording. You're surely not sleeping." Was he really being this fucking sarcastic right now? "Well, no fucking shit, princess. I would be sleeping if it wasn't for your stupid loud ass." He looked at you and did a small smile, "You don't know who I am do you?" You frowned at him and then it hit you. You were talking to the one and only IDubbbzTV. That cunt was standing right there in front of you for five minutes, having a conversation with you and you didn't connect it until now. Shit, he even did his stupid intro and you still didn't know it was him. Your eyes went big and he nodded, "There's the realization. Knew you had it in you kiddo. I'm surprised you're not flipping the fuck out right now." You looked at him and then did a small smile, "Listen, I don't care if you're fucking Miley Cyrus or some shit. I want sleep, and some "famous asshole" on the internet isn't going to keep me from getting it." He shifted his weight to his other foot, now standing tall and you could see his whole build now, and honestly it intimidated you just a little bit. "Y'know you never really did introduce yourself to me before you started calling me an asshole. Not only just an asshole, but a famous asshole, I appreciate that." It was time to give up your don't fuck with me attitude. You were tired and you just wanted sleep, so the best way to get away from him was probably to introduce yourself and ask nicely. "Sorry. My name is Y/N." He put out his hand, which was large and his fingers were long. They also kind of made you think dirty, just a little bit. You took his hand and shook it, one firm grasp and you felt like you've already made a new friend. That's just how inviting he was, even if you were mad at him the first time you two met. "I'm Ian, nice to meet you. I have to say you're one of the nicer people to ask me to 'shut the fuck up'. Most people don't even get to let me explain or say my name." You scoffed, "Well, I'm sure they don't watch your channel and they are probably just like me, a normal person who wants sleep." Ian shook his head, "No, you're not normal." You had a confused look on your face, "What do you mean?" He smiled and laughed a little, "You're still talking to me. Which means you have a lot of patience, or you don't mind my company."

///This is my first work. Sorry if it's not the greatest, I just wanted to test something out. But, whoever reads this I hope you enjoyed and I also hope you don't feel like your character is too out of character or Ian is. Thanks for checking it out, update will come soon if it all goes good!

 Thanks for checking it out, update will come soon if it all goes good!

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