He smiles, “That's the Widow I know. You don’t need to care what others think, I am here for you. And I am going to support you and the baby.”

“How? Your parents won’t be happy about this. And getting a job these days is very hard,” I say.

“I told them that you might think you are pregnant. I am planning of bringing you to the house so we can tell them together.”

Oh my gosh! I don’t know how they are going to react. We barely have the month together and now I am freaking pregnant!

“Brownies are done!” Briana yells from the kitchen. She comes to the living room and tells us to get a bite. We sit down and enjoy her brownies.

“So Paul, are you going to tell your parents about the baby?” she asks. I eat my last piece of brownie and answer her. I tell her we are going tomorrow to tell them.

“That is good, communication is important in these cases.” Briana says.

Paul touches my hand, “Everything will be okay. You got that?”

I just nod.

Paul later leaves and Joe comes. I do some homework in the kitchen while the couple are making out in the couch.

I go to my room and get ready for tomorrow.

“I heard that you are going to talk to Paul's parents tomorrow. Do you want me to go with you?” Joe asks. He is against the door with his hands inside his pockets.

I sit down on the bed and tell him it’s not necessary.

“I am not going to lie. I am not happy about this. You are too young to have a baby and Paul is sick. You guys can’t take care of a baby.” Joe says.

“Paul might be sick but he isn’t stupid. He is super smart and says he will help me. If you don’t want me here then I can just leave. I-we don’t need any of your help.”

Joe stands in front of me and chuckles. “You think it will be easy being a parent?”

I know it is not, Jesus.

“Well it is not easy at all. I am just going to provide a place for that baby. I am going to help you with the hospital bills, but other than that you have to take care of the rest. I'm not trying to be a jerk but this the reality Widow.”

“I know! I know this isn’t going to be easy Joe! But I have no other choice but to raise this baby! I am not happy about it either. I can’t just abort it or give it away! I don’t him or her to end up like me, an orphan or adopted.” I say. I stand in front of him face to face.

Joe looks so hurt but I guess he is dealing with this better than me. He leaves without saying another word. I sit back and touch my stomach. It feels different now, since I have a person in there. 

For some reason, I am remembering that weird dream with the little girl. Was that a sign that I am having a baby? Is that my little girl?

Whatever, I take my pill and go to sleep. I need all the energy I could get.

5 weeks: March 7

School has been as normal as it could get surprisingly. Jackson doesn’t know yet but James and Mike do. I asked Briana to give a letter that I wrote to James. I didn’t have the balls to tell him in person. Now everyday he sees me, he just smiles.

He isn’t bothering me anymore like he used to. I guess he stop fighting for me now that I am with child. He isn’t fighting with Paul either. Paul tells me he is like the James we knew but as if he never saw me as a girl.

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