Dear Teen Me: More Letters from Authors to their Teen Selves

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"All the feelings you’re writing about on those lined pages—all the things that make you feel different and ugly and alone sometimes—you’re going to use them one day to write a book with your best friend, for other people who feel different and ugly and alone sometimes, too." 

- from Kami Garcia (BEAUTIFUL CREATURES)'s letter to her teen self, which you can read here:

The following is a collection of letters from authors to their teen selves, previously published at the website For more inspiring stories, check out the book (October 2012, Zest Books)!

And keep reading—we'll be posting letters at least once a week, starting on December 6, 2013. WARNING: hilarious teen photos ahead! Hey, we thought we were cool at the time, and that's what matters.

Be sure to check out the authors' websites, Twitters, and Wattpads!

CHALLENGE:  Write a letter to your FUTURE self!  If you dedicate it back to this account, I'll add it to a public reading list, so we can have all the Dear Future Me letters in one place!

Dear Teen Me: More Letters from Authors to their Teen SelvesWhere stories live. Discover now