1. Fired

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Chapter 1


"NO YOU CAN'T DO THIS!" I screamed with all my might. "PLEASE, please I need this job!" The last part came out as a whisper.

"I'm sorry Maddie but this has to be done! Now please get out of my office or I will call security!" Mr. Bennett, the one person that helped me get up when I was down, he was like my dad at work. I now stood in front of him, he fired me just because his "barbie" girlfriend demanded my position. It wasn't fair, then again nothing's ever fair in this world.  

"Okay, I'll collect my things and go" I let out an exasperated sigh. I was tired , and not in the mood to put up a fight. I just wish he knew what he was letting go of.

I finished collecting my things, and I  took one last look into the office that had been mine for 6 years. So many memories i was letting go of.

I took a step into the cold Seattle weather. I began walking down the street until i came across a small but cozy cafe. I had nothing else to do for the rest of the day so i went in.

The bell above the door signalled that there was a new customer walking in, 'How cute' I thought. I set my box of stuff on a nearby table. After working with Mr. Bennett for 6 years, yeah i would've expected to have more things, but even if i did i would have to let go of those memories there, and start new ones somewhere else.

I went up to a nice young man, and ordered a pumpkin spiced latte. Thanksgiving was just in a couple days and i had no where to go. Sam, my friend since i moved here to Seattle, went back home for a week to celebrate Thanksgiving with her family. I had no family close by. My family lived in a small town in Southern California. I was scheduled to work all week so i made no plans whatsoever to visit them.

"Maddie!" I snapped out of my trance and went to retrieve my latte from the front. I gave the nice boy a generous tip, and sat back down.

I looked out of the window.

I would have to find another job soon. I am pretty sure i wouldn't have any troubles with that since i graduated top of my class in university and with a Master's of Business from the University of Washington. Where i was going to be applying for a job was the least of my worries. I was in  no hurry to find  a job, i had enough money saved to pay 2 month's worth of rent, and to buy any other necessities. 

I clicked the home button on my phone to see the time. The time on my phone read '5:45 p.m.' Time flew by pretty quickly. I knew i had to start walking home or else it was going to get dark and i would have to hail a cab. I scooted my chair out and realized i accidentally hit someone. 'Just my Luck' i thought. 

I turned to see a pair of angry grey eyes staring down at me. I then looked down at his perfectly ironed silk white shirt, now sporting a big coffee stain smack dab in the middle of it.  Shit, Shit, Shit. Perfect timing don't you think. 

"Shit, I'm SO sorry, Oh no, I'll pay for another one, i prom-" 

"DO you even know how much this costs woman!?" The man who looked like he was in his late twenties, yelled.

"U-Uh no sir" I was more than nervous, this man grew angrier by the second. 

"You bet you're paying for it!" 

" I-Uh, how much money do you want?" I asked taking my wallet out of my purse.

"Oh Hun, considering the box of stuff currently placed on the table you must've just been fired. Well no wonder they fired you, you're just so clumsy" Jeez what an arrogant ass, this guy just keeps coming at me with insults "So lets make a deal? How about it?" 

"W-what kind of deal?" Man i must look like a wreck. My palms are even starting to sweat. 

" I'm in need of a Personal Assistant." 

" So you're saying you want me to work for you?" 

"That's exactly what im saying. You start tomorrow at 9:00 am SHARP! No later or else you're fired. Understood?" 


"Yes what?" 

"Yes, Sir." This man was sure really picky. 

"Good. Here's the address." He took out a card, and wrote an address on the back of it. "Dress in business attire please. Preferably in a brand name suit. I like my employees to make a good impression." 

"Thank you, I'll be there." 

"Don't thank me, just show up on time."  He started making his way out the door, then turned back around. " I like my coffee from here, on my desk at 9:05 a.m. No later than that." He then exited the small cafe, leaving me standing there, looking as confused as ever. 


I hailed a cab, and unlocked the door to my apartment. I set my keys down in a little bowl next to the coat rack. I took my box of office supplies and made my way to my office. I turned on the light and set the box of stuff on a high shelf in the closet. I turned off the light, and made my way to my bedroom. Out of all the places in my apartment, this was always the one place i came to think. I felt a sense of safety in this room. 

I took off my blazer and kicked off my flats into a corner of the room. I then face planted on my bed. My soft cozy bed. I turned to look at my ceiling. What a hectic day. First fired, and then hired. 

I got up, and went to retrieve my wallet from my purse. I took out the card, and read it. 

Liam M. Alexander                                                                                                                                               CEO, Alexander Marketing CO.                                                                                                                         

"Where have i seen this name before? I'm 100% percent sure i've read about it this company too. But where?" I whispered.  

There was only one person who could tell me who this man was! 

SAM! She was always into all this gossip crapp. So i decided to send her a text. 

Me:  Hey Sam!

Sam: What's Shaking Bacon? :D 

Me: Well its been a long day but i need your help with something!

Sam:  What am i good for? 

Me: Who is Liam Alexander? (Just Curious)


Me: Calm down Sam. I can even feel your shouts through text! I'll talk to you later! Thanks Samantha, Love ya :D

Sam: Who doesn't? Just kidding, Love ya too! 

Sam: Don't ya dare call me Samantha again, Maddeline. 

Me: Okay I'm sorry, we're even.

Sam: Alrighty well I'll call you tomorrow! Goodnighty! 

Me: Nanite! x

Well Mr. CEO this is about to get interesting.



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