Canada Facts, #38

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-80-85% of Canada's population lives in Ontario and Quebec, majority of that percentage is shared between Toronto and Montreal.

-During the World Wars, especially WWI, most of Canada's soldiers came from the Maritimes as they are right by the coast, so it was easier to transport them.

-(Not sure if this was done anywhere else) In the days of the horse and cart, people hauling logs would shorten their trip in the winter by cutting across frozen lakes or rivers.

-The year 1850 is the turning point for when women started to gain rights, from this year and onward, they kept gaining more and more rights. Now as I mentioned in another chapter, everybody has equal rights regardless of gender, race, sexuality, or faith. (However, and quite unfortunately, like any place there is still bullying and inequality among how people are treated by other individuals.)

-"Zee", "Zed" you will find both pronunciations here; although I believe "Zed" is more common.

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