Canada Facts, #32

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-Canada didn't not suffer from the Spanish Influenza as much as the rest of the world, mostly due to the fact that Canada's population was very small, so it made it harder for the influenza to spread.

-It is not known why, but Canadians are more likely to get MS (multiple-sclerosis) than anyone else.

-Basketball was created by Canadian Dr. James Naismith. (Ironically basketball isn't that big of a sport here)

-Canada's maple leaf flag wasn't always the design in mind. A flag design contest was held to see who could come up with the best design for Canada's flag. Lots of these designs had one or more maple leafs, a Union Jack, a fleur-de-lis, or a beaver. Eventually it came down to three designs, and those in charge of the contest picked the flag we have today. (Good choice too)🇨🇦

-Inukshuks are rocks stacked in the shape of a human figure and were used as landmarks by the Inuit people of Canada (And probably Alaska too).

Hello my dear readers, I tried to avoid doing this, but I thought maybe some of you would be interested, I have two one-shot stories published if you want to give them a read. I also just recently made a book of writing prompts for any of you who might like a few to get yourself going.

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