Canada Facts, #14

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-Residential Schools were schools in with the early settlers had forced Aboriginal kids to attend to assimilate them into their culture and erase their "indian" culture; their chiefs were tricked into signing documents that supposedly meant they would evenly share the land, but instead ended up giving the different First Nations communities small lots of land called reserves and everything else to the settlers. Unfortunately this did in fact lead to some certain traditions and languages of the aboriginal people being wiped out. This is probably the darkest part of Canadian history, our government to this day is still making amends for it in an effort heal the relationship between the government and the First Nations.

-Metis people are another people of Canada that have French and First Nation's parents or linage. The Metis community started when the French settlers came over and started marrying those of the First Nations and making their own separate culture. Since then, the Metis are recognized as their own culturally unique people of Canada, they have their own flag a white infinity symbol on a blue background.

-Saskatchewan's motto is "land of the living skies" because it can be sunny one moment then pouring rain the next, trust me it's my home province, I know.

-The tiger lily is the provincial flower of Saskatchewan. Correction, it is the Western Red Lily, my teachers lied to me. Oh well, nobody is prefect, right?

-The rose is the provincial flower of Alberta, thus why an Alberta licence plate says "Wild Rose" country on it.

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