Canada Facts, #31

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-Quebec had (or do they still have it?) a language police. Because Quebec is determined in preserving the French community and the French language, there was a committee of people who would go around and check to make sure signs, labels, menus, etc. were all in French and make the owners change it if it wasn't.

-Quebec has tried to become its own country, but not enough people voted for the split.

-(I think) the war of 1812 is the only time Canada and the States have fought against each other. This war also lasted for more than just a year, it's just titled the War of 1812 because that's the year it started. (I would have added this when I had first mentioned it, but I am too lazy to go back and find that chapter)

-Canada didn't have enough money for a proper navy during WWII so fishing boats, yachts, and all other kinds of regular boats were used by our marines in the mission to sink German U-boats.

-Sir Winston Churchill actually made a public speech of thanks to Canada for aiding England in the war, because with out or navy, England would have lost a majority of their supplies ships. (I thank my brother for doing an essay on Canada's navy support in WWII for giving me these last two facts)

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