I tried not to think about Dexter not wearing underwear but it was difficult so I swiftly changed the subject. We walked for about an hour until we reached the road service phone and Dexter handed me some change so I could make the call.

                'Um,' I said. 'This is kind of embarrassing. And I know it makes me a bad son. But I don't actually know my parents' numbers off by heart.'

                Dexter stared at me for a second, and then laughed. 'Well this awkward. Neither do I.'

                Which resulted in us staring at each other.

                'The only number I know off is Olivia's,' he admitted. 'And even if she could be any help, we can't call her cos she's deaf,' he added bluntly.

                'I know Andie's and Gary's. But Gary's phone was confiscated too and anyway I don't want to ask him for help.'

                Dexter groaned and slumped down beside the phone. 'We've come all this way for nothing.'

                'There is one person we could call...' I suggested timidly, putting my hand in my pocket. Dexter blinked up at me. 'But I don't know if he has a car... And Andie would kill me... Like legitimately murder me.'

                'I shall protect you like the gallant knight I am,' Dexter promised, putting his hand over his heart and grinning. 'Call him.'

                Which was how, two hours later as we all sat in my car freezing our butts off and praying for an alien abduction, Candyfloss Man pulled up in a jeep and beeped at us, grinning.


Andie tried to make me sit up front, and I would have done it, but Candyfloss Man, whose name actually turned out to be Dylan, smirkingly insisted that she sit with him there while the rest of us crowded into the back, where he had put some cushions for us to sit on. There weren't any seatbelts however, so by the time we pulled up outside the Andersons', Paulie had both arms wrapped protectively around Teegan, and I had fallen into Dexter about 473 times. Every time I fell against him he caught me and held me steady for a few seconds until I'd gotten my centre of gravity back while my skin tingled pleasurably under my clothes where he gripped me.

                Whatever I have, I've got it bad.

                Dylan jumped out and opened the back doors of the jeep to let us out, while Andie stormed up the driveway and into the Anderson house without even waiting for Teegan or Dexter, or to be invited in.

                'Uh...' I said intelligently, staring after her. 'Thanks, for coming to get us.'

                'No problem. You sure you don't want me to drop you back with some fuel for your car?'

                'No it's okay, my dad will take me in the morning,' I assured him.

                'Do you want to come in for a bit?' Dexter interjected, grinning and elbowing me slightly, gleeful at the opportunity to piss Andie off even more.

                'Oh, definitely,' Dylan smirked, and I knew then that he and Dexter were kindred spirits. They both enjoyed getting in trouble and on people's nerves.

                Teegan was already leading Paulie up the driveway and they stopped in front of the door, Paulie turning to say goodbye to Teegan, but before he could even open his mouth she rolled her eyes and said, 'Aren't you going to come in for a while?' in a tone that made it clear there was no room for negotiation.

                As a group we trooped upstairs after Andie, who we found in Teegan's room, looking shocked and then swiftly enraged that we had brought Dylan with us. He sat beside her on the bed and casually put his hand on her leg; she slapped it violently and hissed, 'As if, loser.'

                I love her, I really do.

                Teegan lit only the fairy lights strung along her bed so the room had a sort of romantic lighting to it, making everybody's profiles more attractive and their eyes dark and sexy. We all sat on the bed in a circle, Teegan and Paulie becoming more and more couple-y as the night wore on, and Andie becoming less and less annoyed every time Dylan touched her until eventually, with a sigh, she left his arm around her shoulders and told him not to get any ideas, to which he replied, 'Too late.'

                'It's like we're the fifth and sixth wheel respectively,' I joked to Dexter, to try and make myself feel less like a loser.

                'Nonsense,' he said, 'we are a couple too, we are the best couple. We out-couple the crap out of everyone here!' And put his arm around me, making my heart go into overdrive.

                This brought out the competitive sides in Paulie and Andie. Paulie said efficiently, 'Oh, I beg to differ,' and tilted Teegan's face towards his, who smiled beatifically up at him right before he kissed her on the lips. Nothing too gross or PDA-ish, just a soft kiss that made them both (and even Andie and Dylan and I, though not Dexter) smile happily.

                Then Andie was like, 'Sure, that's pretty couple-y, but you guys are barely touching.' And then, even though she'd been protesting against his advances all night, she nudged Dylan's legs open and sat between them, leaning back against him as he wrapped his arms around her waist and nuzzled the top of her head in happy surprise.

                'That can't be couple-y,' Teegan protested, 'you don't even like him.'

                'Prove it,' Andie smirked triumphantly, and kissed Dylan on the cheek.

                Teegan rolled her eyes and turned to her brother. 'Whatever, you've just been successfully out-coupled, times two.'

                'I haven't even had my go yet!' he protested.

                'Yes you did,' Andie pointed out, 'when you started this by putting your arm around Alex.'

                'Yeah, well, that didn't count, you guys were all already touching. This counts though,' he said, and – I swear to god – turned to me, leaned down, and kissed me.

                On the nose.

                'There you go,' he said triumphantly. 'That was adorable as fuck.'

                I was sitting there in complete shock at having had him so close to me, the feeling of his lips on my skin, so I barely even noticed that the others were all jeering and throwing pillows and teddy bears at us.

                'You're useless,' Teegan lamented. 'Give him a proper kiss, you pussy!'

                'Yeah,' Andie backed her up, 'you can't start a contest like that and then chicken out at the end!'

                Dex looked at me with a raised eyebrow, and, my heart racing, I shrugged, like "sure, you can kiss me, I don't mind, makes no difference to me," even though I felt like my whole body was floating at the mere prospect of it.

                So Dexter slipped a hand onto my neck and pulled me towards him gently and kissed me, full on lips, for two whole seconds, while fireworks exploded behind my eyes and my tummy erupted in butterflies and my skin tingled all over.

                And I knew then, at that very moment, that even though it was a game to him, even though the others were cheering and throwing things at us, even though he pulled away almost as soon as he had kissed me in the first place – I knew then that getting over this guy was going to be very, very difficult. If not impossible.





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