Life as a 7-eleven worker

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"Nicole wake yo behind up and get to work, I ain't gone be having you laying around all day and end up getting fired!" Her landlord yelled who just so happened to be her best friend named Angel.

Even though she have no idea why her parents named her Angel because she sure wasn't no saint.

"Uhgg i'm coming Angel don't lose your fricking Halo!" Nicole yelled slowly getting up from the bed and wiping her tired eyes.

Great another day working at 7-eleven...

She couldn't believe she was still working there after all the other places she could've been. But life decided to throw more than a few curve balls and soon she had never attended college and she was stuck working at 7-eleven if she wanted to continue paying rent on her apartment that her friend Angel had rented out to her.

She got up from the bed and went to her dresser and grabbed her outfit and went to go shower and brush her teeth and put her clothes on and finally apply just a little bit of makeup so she wouldn't look so exhausted but honestly she didn't even think make up could hide the bags that were starting to form underneath her eyes.

Great time to go..

She grabbed her purse and keys and made sure her Mace was in her purse because she unfotunately had to take the bus since her car needed a new engine and she had no money to currently pay for she was stuck with the bus until she could some how manage to get some money. But she always carried Mace just in case some guy's hands lingered way to close to her behind.

Instead of catching them hands, he was gonna be catching some Mace right to his face.

She headed down stairs and was greeted with Angel sitting on her couch with a cup of coffee in her hands reading whatever it was on her phone.

"Have fun." Angel smirked knowing good and well she hated her job.

"Shut up, one of these days i'm getting outta 7-eleven and i'm gonna have a yacht and you ain't getting on it." She remarked grabbing a granola bar and some orange juice out of the fridge that seriously needed to be cleaned out.

"Sure honey, and i'm going to marry Leonardo Dicaprio and live in a gigantic mansion." She retorted laughing a bit at how optimistic she was.

"Kiss my as-"

"See you Nicole!" Angel yelled getting up and shoving her out the door and into the damp streets of Detroit.

It had rained earlier this morning and everything was still damp and cold making her shiver a bit and regretting not bringing a jacket.

She hustled her way to the bus stop where two other people were standing waiting for the bus to take them to God knows where.

One guy was dressed in a leather baggy jacket with jeans and faded Nike sneakers that look liked they had seen better days, he was bobbing his head back and forth to whatever was blasting in those head phones while smoking a cigarette.

The other was a woman talking on her phone to somebody who was obviously pissing her off because she kept groaning at everything they were saying.

"Why can't you do anything right Marco!?" The lady yelled.

She had no idea what Marco said but whatever it was it was the wrong thing to say..

"Marco, do you really think i'll miss you if you left?" She scoffed.

"Baby you don't even know how to kiss, yo lips could cut metal, why don't you go purchase some Carmax for them crusty lips." She rudely spat.

Marco must've gotten highly upset because she soon got very livid.

Life According to 7-eleven Girl (Interracial Eminem fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now