I rolled my eyes and handed him the small basket of fries. I should have known he would ask for it. Next time, I would probably have to have a salad for lunch because there would be no way he would ask for that.

"So, Lincoln, there's that new horror movie playing tonight in the theater," Wendy said. "Would you like to go?"

I smiled at my girlfriend. "Of course I would. You only want to go to the horror movie just so you could hide behind me, right?"

"That may be a possibility," she said. "It actually does seem interesting, so I'll try my hardest to watch it."

"Which probably won't happen, but try your best," I said before going back to eating my lunch. Heath then asked to have the cookie I bought so I gave that to him so he wouldn't keep asking for it. All I had left to eat was my chicken wrap.

After lunch, Kailani, Wendy, and I had English together, so we went to our lockers before heading over to that class. Shortly into the class, our teacher told us to pick someone to be our partner. We had to present something at the end of the class, unfortunately. I hated when teachers made us prepare something only to present it the same day. That gave us no time whatsoever.

I turned to Wendy, who gave me a smile. "Sorry, but I'm going to work with Fay," she said.

"You know, I'm kind of offended that you never want to be my partner," I said.

"I do, but Kailani is your best friend, so she's your partner," Wendy said. "You two always paired up before you and I started dating, so it wouldn't be fair to change that. That, and I know that you would rather work with Kailani than me."

"What? No, I....Okay, in my defense, you get distracted too easily," I said.

Wendy just smiled and kissed my cheek before heading over to where her best friend was sitting.

I got up from my spot and sat down in the empty seat beside Kailani. "Hey, partner," I said.

"Hey," she said. "You're still not partnering up with Wendy? I thought you would have at least once by now."

"Nah, I'd rather work with you," I said. "That, and she basically forced me to stay partners with you."

"Wow, thank you so much for wanting to be my partner," Kailani said sarcastically. "You are the best friend ever."

"Alright, tone down the sarcasm and let's get started on the presentation," I said.

Kailani gave me a smile before we got to work. Even though Wendy was my girlfriend, I liked working with Kailani a lot better. For one thing, Kailani rarely got distracted --unless it was raining outside because she was obsessed with the rain. Another thing, we always seemed to have the same ideas, so we never had to argue about what to do or whose idea to use.

We ended up finishing what we had to ten minutes before our teacher said we had to start presenting, so that gave us a lot of time to go over what we had.

Once it was time to present, Kailani and I volunteered to go first. She didn't really like presenting things in front of the class, so we always tried to go first so she could get it down and over with. Plus, if she saw other presentations, she would worry that we did something wrong or she would try to change ours so it fit along with the others.

When we finished presenting, our teacher smiled. "Excellent once again, Lincoln and Kailani," she said. "You two always work so well together."

I looked over at Wendy, who gave me a smile and a thumbs-up. I smiled back at her before heading back to my seat.

After two more classes, school ended so we were finally able to go home. I just wanted to nap before I went out with Wendy later on.

While I was laying in bed, I was staring up at the ceiling, thinking about how things went at school. I hated having so much attention just for my looks. I wanted things to be different.


Here is another chapter! I wanted to post this before I have to head off to my first day at university. cx It's 12 PM right now and I don't have to leave for another half hour. cx

So far, I'm really proud of how the book is going. One of you commented on the lat chapter, saying how they like it that Kailani doesn't hate Wendy just because she's dating Lincoln. Honestly, at first, Wendy was supposed to be a jerk, but then I realized that it's too cliche; having one of the main character's crushes' significant other to be a jerk. I want to change things up a bit. :)

I CAN'T WAIT FOR CHAPTER FOUR BECAUSE I GET TO WRITE ABOUT MY BAE. I love you, Simon. cx Lol, he's played by one of my many celebrity crushes. cx

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