Chapter Twenty Eight - Full Circle

Start from the beginning

Finally he reached the photo booth, which had wedding paraphernalia as props for the Candy Cuties and girls who lined up to get their pictures taken. He was supposedly opening the Candy Fair with a ceremonial photo with a lucky girl he would pick. He stood in front of the camera setup and was approached by Stacey, one of the event organizers

"Hi Alden, ready to start the show?"

"Yep, so how do I choose who to take the photo with?"

"We'll cue you when to choose. We're starting in a few---"

Music suddenly played. It was his favorite Sam Smith song, "Stay With Me," the song he and Maine dubsmashed when she visited him at Broadway the very first time. Lord, I don't know if these are just crazy coincidences, he prayed, but please, tama na, I miss her so bad, these reminders are not helping.

All of a sudden, an all too familiar voice took over the song. An angelic female voice was singing, and Alden broke out in cold sweat. Grabe ka paps, get a grip, he told himself. He looked around, searching, wondering where the voice was coming from. Was he hallucinating? He tried to maintain his professionalism, smiling at people, trying to look calm and collected. But he was sweating, his hands were cold and clammy.

"Oh, won't you stay with me?

Cause you're all I need

This is love, it's clear to see

Darling, stay with me."

Shit. Waitaminute. That's not how the song goes.

Fuck, his heart was beating furiously, where the hell is that voice coming from?

He craned his neck looking, but he couldn't find the person singing.

The crowd in front of him parted, the lights dimmed and a single spotlight beamed on a vision in white, her slim and shapely body clad in ripped white jeans, a white jacket identical to what he was wearing, white tank top and sneakers. Her hair curled softly around her shoulders, her face wore the sweetest smile while singing.

Maine was still more than ten paces away, but he could already see that she was shaking with nerves as she sang. As the song neared its end, her tears started to fall and she walked faster, almost running, straight into his arms. Her arms wrapped around his middle, hugging him tightlty, her face buried against his neck.

People screamed and cheered at them. Phones were shoved over heads to take a video or a photo at least of the hottest couple at the moment. The Sam Smith song played again, giving time for them both to compose themselves.

Alden felt his tears fall, but he didn't care. She was back, in one piece, safe and sound. She was in his arms and by the looks of it, she missed him as bad as he missed her. He buried his head in her shoulder, drinking in the scent of berries in her hair, nuzzling his cheek against hers. His hand caressed the back of her head gently, while his other arm pulled her closer to him.

"No space between us, baby. Never again," He whispered, kissing her temple.


They were back in the condo, both showered and dressed in more comfortable clothes. The Candy Fair was a huge success thanks to them, the photo booth never lost its long line of ladies taking their photos with the Candy Cuties. They settled on the couch, catching up on each other.

"I was actually home a day earlier. But before that, Jecker called to ask me if I would be available for the Candy Fair. I thought it would be a nice surprise for you to come full circle and be there together on the same day we met, six years ago. So I told Jecker to coordinate with Leysam everything. I was dying to call you, babe, but I also wanted to do something special for you. Did you like my surprise?"

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