The Clear Present Danger of Blood and Trust

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"So the weirdest thing happened at work today." Sage said putting a bouquet of flowers down on her table. "What happened?" Peter asked "Some random guy sent me roses and didn't leave a note." Sage slightly chuckled "Thank you." She said, pecking his lips. "I have to get to work." Peter kissed her a bit heavier and Sage smiled before breaking the kiss. "You guys need to stop doing that in front of me. Seriously." Molly said with a bit of disgust. Sage laughed and went to go ruffle her hair. "Come on, breakfast is ready little one."

"I'm not little." She said as she sat down. "When do I get to see Matt?" The blond asked. "Not today, he works late." She nods and eats her strawberries. "How long have you been with Peter." Sage looks at "A year or so" Sage takes a sip of her coffee. "Don't you think he should ask you to marry him." Sage chokes on her coffee and molly takes a bite of another strawberry as she waist for an answer."So?....." 

"So what?"

"Don't you think its time." Sage sighs. "Molly...." 

"What?" The girl exclaimed. "I just wanted to know if Peter was gonna be my dad or not." Sage just looked at Molly. "I haven't had real parents for a long time now so I just waned things to go by quicker so we can be an official family." She smiled sadly and hugged Molly from behind her seat and kissed the top of her head. "Ye are a family. It doesn't mean that me and Peter have to be married to be true." She picks up Molly's empty bowl of cereal and fruit and puts it i the dish washer. "You should get ready, they a have to do those weird things on you."

"Ugh, not again." Molly whines. "Sorry kido but they need to check out if something goes wrong." The little blonde sighs and slumps to her room to go change. Sage's phone rings from the living room. She walks over to it and picks up the silver phone. "Peter, what's wrong?"

"Who did you know something was wrong."

"You never calm me during your hours."

"Thats true but Sage I need you to be careful. My brother is up to something and Im not sure what it is but Claire told me something." Sage held her phone with the side of her ear and her shoulder as she did the dishes. "What she say?" She asked. "She said that people with abilities have been gone missing. She thought it had to do with Sylar but it was Noah and Nathan. I need you to keep yourself and Molly safe-" Sage her a scream from one of the rooms and she dropped her plate and held her phone running towards the room. "Molly are-" Sage entered the room and there where 5 men in Molly's room. "Do you have no manners? Men should knock first before entering a girls home." Sage pushed all the men back and ran towards Molly. "There's a white car waiting outside the building to take you to examination. Go out the window and run." Molly nod quickly and Sage follows behind her.

Molly is able to get to the car safely as Daphne shoots her a smile. They get into the car and Sage sighs in relief. Sage texted Peter 'We're fine' and answered back 'Be careful, I love you' Sage smiled before she felt a large needle go threw the back of her neck. She hissed but whatever it was, was getting to her slowly. She turned around and one of the men looked at her with a light shock "That hurt like a bitch you know." She flung him back and she dropped to her knees.


As she slowly woke up, all she was able to see was pitch black. There was something up her nose, something that she was forced to inhale. Someone pushed her forward, she could hear the slight clinging of cuffs. Where the hell am I? Was one of the questions running threw her mind. My head hurts. Where on of her other thoughts. Her eyes where wide open, the drug thankfully slowed down due to her powers. She was now being sat down and she felt the slight graze of the other persons hand. Peter? She thought, the smooth yet rough has where familiar to her, her brain and body memorized each and every touch of his. 

Someone had now removed the black cloth around her head. Her eyes focused on the ruffled black-brown hair. "Peter?" she asked. "I thought you said you where okay?" Sage smiled lightly as he took off the tubes from her nose. "I may have lied slightly." Peter broke off the cuffs and helped her stand. "Help Claire wake everyone up."

"What about you?"

"I'll hold of the guards."


"I got my strength from Mohinder, I'll just need to shield me from bullets. She nodded and helped Claire as she put a forcefield of Peter. "Go to the cockpit." Peter yelled to Claire as he fought the guard. "Go." Sage told her and the blond nodded. Sage went to go help Peter as the guard ended up hitting him. She was able to let in a few hits and swings before she was kicked backwards. Peter looked back but before able to do anything the guard kneed Peter in the stomach and Peter accidentally held onto Tracy to long.

 Peter wasn't able to fight back the guard, as he fell back his hand held onto one of the planes edges and started to freeze the wall until it broke. Sage moved herself back from the hole and put a shield around the ones in the plane. She noticed Peter was now holding onto Mohinder and she put a larger shield around the two.


A/N: So FUckIng NExflix dEcidEd to Take ofF HERos And Im pIsSEd!!!!!!!!

ugh but don't worry i have a website that i can probably watch it on and if you guys wanna watch any tv show or movie this is the site:

if the url doesn't work dm me so i can give it to you :)

(warning: it does open up a few tabs but nothing else)

10 minutes later.....



i may go a few weeks without updating if my website doesn't work but if someone can help and send me a link or something i will love you and like you can be apart of my book because sage is gonna get a new development in her power soon and it involves a person but I'm not gonna say much about it. But thank you too all of the people who have voted and commented on this book  and i wanna know who's been here since like the first chapter, i would love to know :)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2017 ⏰

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