Angels and Monsters

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Summary of what happened in "I Am Become Death" because I couldn't really add Sage onto it, So her and Matt became really good friend, Daphne is a stay at home mom so that means Sage takes her place with Claire. When Claire points the gun at Noah (Gabriel/Sylar's son) She steps in front of her and confronts her about faking who she is at the moment. They let go Sage as Nathan comes and saves both of them. 


3rd Person

Sage had been asleep, Molly had secretly crawled into bed because of her nightmare. Sage gladly took her in. Sage shook awake as her phone rang, Molly groaned and moved away from Sage so she is able to pick up the phone. "Angela?" She question as she takes the sheets off of her. "I need you to come to level five, please."

"Level Five? What do you need me there for." 

"Just please, I need your help." Sage kissed Molly's forehead. "Theres some extra pancake batter in the fridge, I won't be long for to long." She quickly changes into soccer sweats and a tight navy blue shirt. She grabs her black toms and runs out the door to her car.

When she runs inside to level five and looks threw the windows she finds Angela sitting next to Peter. "What happened." She asked with a scared tone, she knelt down and caressed his hair. "He tried to kill me." Sages head shot up and looked at Angela. "How did this happen?" 

"I don't know but you can look for yourself."

"What do you mean?"

"You need to concentrate your power Sage."


"My son is in love with you, of course I have to look threw your personal life. Now Sage please." The girl nodded and held Peter's hand. In a moment of time Sage's eyes turned white.

*Sudden Flashes of:

Future Peter being shot my Sage;

Claire and Sage arguing with Knox;

Peter fixing the watch;

Sage protecting Peter;

Syler's child, Noah, dying*

Sage gasped awake as Nathan walked in with Tracy. "What happened to Peter?" He immediately spoke. "I put him in a medically induced coma." Angela responded as Sage moved away. "What?" Nathan replied in shock. "You're brother tried to kill me." Angela answered bluntly. 'Why?" Nathan asked. 

.Sage's eyes wondered to the woman, in her head she looked exactly like Niki. But knew it wasn't her because of her attire. "You must be Tracy Strauss." She says to her. "Yes, Im surprised you didn't mistaken me as-"

"Niki, no I wouldn't have actually. Niki would never wear that type of attire. She was a high school best friend." Sage answered back quickly. "I'm sorry for your loss." Sage nodded lightly. Sage noticed Angela looking at Tracy and so did Nathan. "Mom, this is tracy. Tracy this is my mom."

"I know who she is and why she's come. I heart you saw Dr.Zimmerman."

"How do you know Dr.Zimmerman?" Nathan asked quickly. "He worked in the company many years ago, in research and development."

"Then you understand what he did to me. You can help me." Tracy said a bit bluntly but a hint of wonder in her voice. "No, I'm afraid that's not possible. His work was classified."

"You want be to go public with this?" Sage shot her a glair. "Go for it, lets see if I don't close you up in a personal cell and suffocate you in it." Tracy gave her a glare with a hint of fear. "Be calm, Sage." Angela replied. "We've given a number of infants powers, your sisters and yourself where injected." She paused. "As where you Nathan, we gave you, your powers."Nathan slowly looked up at his mother "I'll explain it all to you."

"I'll stay here with Peter." Angela nodded and she walked out. Nathan and Tracy following her. Peter's eyes slowly blinked away, he tried getting out but Sage pushed him down. "Hey, hey, hey hey. Calm yourself." 

"W-why, why are you here?"

"Because I love you, and I'm here to keep you company."


A/N: Okay for those who can visualize Melissa Benoist and Milo Ventimiglia together

A/N: Okay for those who can visualize Melissa Benoist and Milo Ventimiglia together

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now you must wait for the new update :)


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