Demi Lovato One Shot- Tattoo

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I sit down in the chair, pulling the sleeve of my sweatshirt up as far as it could go. My eyes follow the movements of the tattoo artist. I had called him earlier today and told him I wanted some touch ups for my cover up and possibly a new tattoo.

"So Demi, if you don't mind me asking, why the decision for all this?" Bang Bang asks me, setting up all of his equipment. He's tattooed me many other times before. The first time I went to him he was sort of pissed at me because I told him I couldn't be around drugs or alcohol, but I'm pretty sure he's cool now, and he does amazing work.

"Umm I don't really know, honestly." I tell him. "There's been a lot of changing in my life and I just figure why not. Plus I need the rose on my wrist to be gone over again to completely cover that ugly kiss mark. Or should I say, vagina tattoo." I say, letting out a small laugh.

He laughs as he walks over to me, setting up more equipment. I scroll through my phone as he does so. Everyone has been tweeting me and tagging me in pictures of Wilmer and his new girl. I try not to get jealous, but a little part of me hurts when I think about Wilmer with another girl. Six years. All down the drain.

"Okay Demi, what do you want done first?" Bang Bang asks me, sitting down on the black stool and grabbing the needle. I think for a second then speak.

"I'm thinking my wrist first." I tell him, happy with my decision.

"Alright" he says, holding my arm and getting the needle ready before placing it near me. I brace myself for the impact of the needle and let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in once it hits my skin. It hurts, but I like it, I always have.

I sit completely still as the pain of the needle seethes through my skin. I grab my phone, opening Twitter and writing a new tweet.

@ddlovato: Why is the feeling of getting tattooed so addicting?!

I tweet and Bang Bang's phone goes off. It's sitting on the table so I lean over and look at it, being nosy. I immediately start laughing when I see my tweet in the notification section of his phone. He pulls the needle away from my arm and looks at me.

"What?" He asks confused.

"You have my notifications turned on!" I say laughing and his face turns red. I've never seen this tough guy blush before and it's hilarious.

"Whatever, Demi." He says and I continue laughing. "I have a needle in my hand that's extremely close to your arm, do you really want to test me?" He says and I stop laughing, stifling one as he continues with the tattoo.

Soon enough he finishes and I post a picture of the final product on my Instagram story. "Do you still want the other one?" He asks me and I nod. The feeling of the needle is really addicting.

I tell him exactly what I want for the tattoo and lay down, taking my shirt off because the tattoo is on my back. He's a tattoo artist, he sees half naked women almost everyday, and this doesn't seem to phase him. I cover myself up with a sheet, just because it's a little awkward to have my boobs out in the open when some guy in here is giving me a tattoo.

I pick up my phone and scroll through my mentions, a few tweets catching my eye.

"What if Demi gets tattoos because the pain is like cutting😭"

One of the tweets said. I look to see that someone replied.

"That's why she always gets tattoos around sad moments of her life!"

I looked at the reply after that.

"She doesn't want to relapse so she gets a tattoo."

I'm amazed as I look at the tweets. They're right. The pain of getting a tattoo does feel like cutting, and recently some of those thoughts have crossed my mind at times. That's why I wanted the touch up on my wrist and the new tattoo so suddenly. I had been planning to get this tattoo for a while, but I decided to call Bang Bang last minute. I'm just glad that I just got a tattoo, and didn't do something I would regret.

I sigh. I'll be okay, it will all be okay.

Tattoo- Demi Lovato One ShotWhere stories live. Discover now