Chapter 5. Someday?

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Maya and Riley just got home from school when Josh was sitting on the couch watching tv. Maya went upstairs while Riley sat on the couch next to Josh and said "Go talk to Maya." "She kept talking about you all day Josh." "Alright I'm gonna go talk to her," Josh replied. While Josh was walking up the stairs he was thinking about what he was going to say to Maya. When Josh got up to Riley's room, Maya was sitting in the bay window. "Hey," Josh said. "Oh hey," Maya replied. "Mind if I sit down?" Josh asked. "No I don't mind at all," Maya said with a smile. Maya finally realized that she should tell Josh how she really feels about him. "I like you Josh," Maya said quietly. Josh looked at Maya deeply and said "I like you too, and I'd never want you not to be in my life." Maya couldn't stop smiling. "What I observed about you is that you are the best friend anyone could ever have." Josh said. "You observe me?" asked Maya who was smiling and blushing. "Yes I do," Josh replied, "For me to ever think I don't need a friend like you in the world, just cause I'm a little older, that'd make me a lot less mature than I want to be." "Boyfriend and girlfriend right now." Maya said. "No," Josh replied. "Boyfriend and girlfriend eventually." Maya said. Josh didn't reply but he did have a smirk on his face. "Well your not saying no, you have to say something." Said a smiling Maya. "I'll play the long game. You live your life, I live mine. I know you're out there, and I'm out there too." Replied Josh. "That's your deal?" Maya asked. "That's my deal." Josh said. "Someday?" Josh asked. "Someday." Maya replied. The whole time they were talking, Maya and Josh were holding hands.

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