The Hunter and The Watcher

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The deafening music.

The flashing lights.

The dark club.

The meshing of human flesh against flesh.

The smell of mortal lust and alcohol.

It was always the same to him, but no matter how many times he entered this dark paradise of human emotions and sex, the feelings of excitement and anticipation never left him. Though he spared himself a small chuckle at how he had obtained those or any emotions at all if someone were to get right down to it.

After making his way through the crowded bodies of people who called themselves adults, but were really no more than children in their mentalities, he sat at the bar, made the formality of ordering a drink, and scanned the area until his pale silver eyes landed on a young woman. She looked to be in her twenties with long blond hair, delicate features, slim figure, and brown eyes.

He could not help but smile in anticipation. Leaving his drink untouched, he made his way through the bodies until he was beside the girl he had spotted. He then smiled and she smiled back.

Looking at her he thought of how easy it was to hunt in this modern age. His prey was always such fools; following a stranger for their beauty. He mused that this was a race that had always valued superficial beauty and scorned bright minds. Turning away from such thoughts, he focused on his prey.

They began to dance in the ways that mortals do so that their bodies ground against each other. He could not wait for what was to come. And then, in the middle of their dancing, he felt eyes on him. Looking away from the girl, he met the sad blue eyes that seemed to be mocking him despite the melancholy feeling coming from them as the owner of these eyes took a drag of her cigarette.

It was her: the Watcher. He had named her thus because he had often seen her. Different from the sheep before him, never drinking, never dancing, always with a cigarette; his watcher sat and took in the club as if it was her own private show. Always there, but separate. Tonight she wore a tight red dress, revealing her hourglass figure while still showing a modesty and elegance that most of the women here lacked. It matched her dark pixie cut hair and strange blue eyes. Everyone here was supposed to be a sheep but, for some unexplainable reason, she always caught his attention. It was almost as if she was mocking him with that look in her eyes and the cigarette held lazily in her pale hands.

He mentally shook himself from these strange thoughts and turned back to the girl he was with. He gave her a smile, not that she would have noticed with how blood-shot her eyes seemed to be, but he never could tell when these mortals were able to understand what was going on through the haze of liquor and drugs, so he smiled, and he led her away to one of the rooms reserved for more private affairs in the back of the club.

When they were alone, he kissed her and could feel her emotions coming into him. If the eyes were the windows to the soul, then the mouth was its doorway. The human soul is made up of an aggregate of emotions that allowed these mortals to live on as they do and it was this doorway that allowed him to feed from the emotions of his prey until they were no more.

From his kiss, he could feel her love of life as if it was his own. These emotions that made these mortals exist and gave him his life filled him with an ecstasy that never grew old no matter how many people he seduced. He could feel her lust, anger, and sadness and reveled in it. Then the both of them moved their hands in that age old dance until the girl was no more, but ashes and dust.

Feeling refreshed and aware that the night was still young, he walked back out into the club. He no longer needed to feed for the night, but that did not mean that he could not still enjoy himself so he began to lose himself to the meshing bodies and deafening music until he felt those eyes on him once more. He was never one to let his food toy with him, but enough was enough. For too many nights, the girl had been sitting and watching him, and he would not allow a mortal to be amused by him.

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