Chapter XV

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Looking out at the view of the city, Evermore let out a small gasp. To her, the city in which she lived had never been beautiful; it was just like any boring old city. But now, standing on the highest point of a hill that overlooked everything, the beauty was undeniable. When she had left with Harry she did not know what to expect. "I'm going to take you to my favorite place." He had said. They were standing on her front lawn when he had grabbed her by the elbow, pulling her body to his, wrapping his strong arms around her. At first she was confused by his actions, but in a blink of an eye they were no longer in her front lawn. She was too amazed by the view to even question how they had ended up there. She had read about how vampires could move faster than lightning, but to read about it and to experience it were two totally different things. "Beautiful isn't it?" Harry's voice carried from behind her. She only nodded. "I come here every single night, just to watch over the city. This is the perfect view of the sunrise."

Although Harry was right, it was beautiful, she couldn't shake the one question out of her head. Why come into my life? Why now? She sighed and turned back to face Harry. Just as she was beginning to ask the question once again, Harry spoke. "Evermore," his voice was so low that if she hadn't been facing him, she probably wouldn't have even known he was talking.

"Yes?" She replied.

"You asked me why I came into your life, and why I chose now to do so." He said.

"And, well, it's because.." He cast his gaze to the ground, unable to look her in the eyes.

"What's wrong, Harry?"

"Your Mother was the only vampire in existence to take the cure. Her blood, It was valuable. If she she hadn't of passed away from illness.. She would have certainly been hunted by others. Other vampires who want the cure, who need the cure." Harry chose his words carefully, sure not to be insensitive or harsh.

"What does this have to do with me?" Evermore questioned.

"The same blood courses through you veins Evermore. And there are vampires who know that, and who aren't afraid of breaking the law to get what they want."

Realization began to dawn on Evermore, a sudden weight dropping on her shoulders nearly knocking the breath out of her. "So you are saying that.. I'm.."

"In danger." Harry stated. "You're in danger, Evermore."


Suddenly not in the mood for watching the sunrise, Evermore told Harry to take her home. She wanted to see her Father, to hug him and just pretend for a few moments that Harry had not actually told her what he had told her. She wanted to pretend that everything was okay. She wanted to pretend that she was normal. Harry had not spoken a word to her, instead he wrapped his arms around her once again, and took her home. Even though they had left through the window, Evermore came back in through the front door. There was a spare key hidden under the 'welcome' mat that had been there for as long as she could remember. Before opening the door, she turned around to say something to Harry. She wasn't exactly sure what to say, but she needed to say something. But when she had turned around, he was gone.

Once inside, she didn't bother being quite. Despite it being nearly five in the morning, she didn't care if she woke her Father. He would have to be getting up for work anyway. Making her way up to her room Evermore nearly fell over from exhaustion. She was still in the same t-shirt and shorts that she had changed into after her shower, only bothering to slip on a pair of socks and tennis shoes before she had left her house. Her hair was completely dry at that point, but already knowing what her natural hair looked like she was determined to avoid looking in a mirror.

Once in the safety of her bedroom, she kicked off her shoes and climbed in bed. She grabbed her Mother's journal from her bedside table and held it to her chest. She hadn't even realized she was crying until she felt salty warm tears rolling down her face. She was beyond confused by everything that had happened that night and she wished, more than anything, that she had her Mother there to hold her while she cried herself to sleep.

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