Chapter 9| Back to My Life

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I open my locker and hear people hurrying through the halls to their next class. I put my books from my first classes in and grab the ones for my next class.

I close my locker and begin to walk to class. I look down a hall and see some kids starring at a poster.

I walk over and look at it with them.

          Help Save Money For Becky
            Give money to the Collins
          To help get Becky back!!

I smile. One kid takes it down and looks at me.

"You don't need this anymore." He puts it in the trash.

They walk to class.

Wow the school was trying to help too.

I hear the bell ring and I quickly walk to class. I sit down. I feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn around.

"This is from Lance." Says a kid handing me a note.

I open it,

-How ya doing?

I look back at Lance and he smiles.

I write something on the note and hand it back to him.

He reads it and smiles. He winks and we go back to class.


At lunch I sit with Martial and Lance comes over.

"Hey I got another party and need a DJ. You up for it?" He asks.

"Sure but plan it somewhere that doesn't have empty streets where someone could be kidnapped, ok." I say.

"Gotcha." He says.

He walks back to his group of friends and me and Martial talk.

"So wanna go out on a date sometime this week?" He says.

"Let's go to the movies." I say.

"Sound good." He says.

He holds my hand and I smile.

"I love you." I say.

"I love you too." He says.

I give him a kiss on the cheek.

He smiles.

"You're the best." I say.

"I know." He says.

After school we go to a movie and just hangout.

"Love you," he says.

"Love you too."


I stand on my front porch and see a car pull up.

Martial steps out in his army uniform and I run up to him.

"You're home!" I say.

"I am!" He says.

He hugs me and I hug him back.

He pulls out a little box and gets on one knee.

"Becky Collins.." He says. "Will you make me one of the happiest guys on the world by being my wife."

I gasp and tear up.

"Yes! Oh Martial!" I say.

He stands up and hug him.

"Love you."

I smile and kiss him, "I love you too."


I sit on our front porch and watch the sunset. I hold our little baby. She plays with a toy I bought her.

Martial walks out and sits next to me.

"What's that you have their?" He says looking at the toy.

"Puppy!" Says Wendy.

"A puppy! Do you want a real one?" Asks Martial.

"Martial we can't afford one!" I say.

"Puppy!" Says Wendy.

Martial smiles, "We'll get a puppy later on."

I sigh, "Ok."

We laugh.

"I love you guys." I say.

"I love you mommy." Says Wendy.

"She said she loves you!" Says Martial. He picks her up. "You're such a big girl!"

"Yay!" She says as he lifts her into the air.

"Haha calm down Martial." I say.

He sits down with her.

"Love you too." He says.

I smile. I take his hand and Wendy's. I look back at the sunset and smile.

                          THE END

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