Chapter 1| Where did it go wrong

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I slowly stand up and drop the piece of glass. My legs shake because it's been hours since I've stood up.

I start to untie the top around my hands and hear someone walking into the room.

I quickly sit back down.

"Look who's awake. Ah you broke out." Says the man.

He grabs my wrist.

"You won't this time." He says.

He ties my ankles to a chain and chains my hands to a wall. I lean against the wall and he slaps my face.

"Don't think about leaving again!" He says.

He slams the door behind him and leaves me in the cold dirty room.



  I walk to school with my headphones on and my hands in my pockets. Cars zoom by me on the road as I walk.

As I arrive at the school I see everyone going inside so I do too. I go to my locker and put my headphones around my neck. I keep playing my music quietly.

"Hey, you still coming tonight?" I hear someone say.

I look and see Lance leaning against the locker next to me.

"Yeah I'm coming tonight. I'm gonna DJ still right?" I say.

"Of course, your the best DJ in the school." He says.

"Cool." I say. We fist bump. "See you later." I say.

"Later." He says.

He joins his friends and walks to class. I grab my books out of my locker and put my jacket in.

I lock my locker and walk to class. I sit down and turn off my music.

"Please pull out your homework and hand it in." Says our teacher.

My friend Hannah walks by me. I tap her shoulder.

"Yeah?" She says looking at me.

I hold up my paper and smile.

"Fine, but you're handing in mine next." She sags grabbing my paper.

"Sure." I say.

She walks up and puts it in our teachers desk. I pull out our class book and begin reading today's pages.

I feel a paper hit my head. I turn and to see Lance smiling. I pick up the paper and open it.

"Lance, you're 16 years old. Don't act like a child please." Says our teacher.

"Sorry ma'am." He says.

-come early to the party tonight. I need help setting up your DJ area bc idk how to.
         - ;) Lance

I put the paper and my bag and look at Lance. He looks at me waiting for an answer. I nod. He winks.

I keep reading and go on with class.

After my first few classes I head out to lunch. I sit under a tree and Hannah sits next to me.

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