Chapter 9 || Paper Airplanes||

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A Cerberus.

It just had to be a bloody Cerberus.

Nicholas had been very busy with all his school work and prefect duties, meaning he didn't have much time to research about the three headed dog now currently residing in a locked room in a hallway that's forbidden. He also had been keeping an eye on professor Quirrell, who he saw trying to get pass the Cerberus. He had not told anyone of this, he couldn't tell his brother nor his friends. Not even Amelia and especially not Snape who, yes is Draco's god father but he is also the head of the Slytherin house and a professor, and telling a professor that he went to the floor that was forbidden by the headmaster would be a terrible idea.

He was currently lounging around in the common room,  it was a bright Sunday morning so everybody was enjoying the day. Nico on the other hand was terribly bored, yesterday they had quiditch try outs and Lucas who was captain and chaser (Luke was a much more quiditch enthusiast then he was) held trials for those who wished to join. He of course had made chaser and co- captain again (they usually split the position), Cadmus (who played beater), Adrian (seeker) and Elizabeth (chaser) had also managed to return to the team. The new keeper  was a lanky sixth year who was agile and quick, the new beater; a short but stocky fourth year that was broad shouldered and had perfect aim. All in all the Gryffindor's held no chance against them this year, they were sure to win the quiditch cup.

Other then the tryouts the week had been quite eventful, somehow Draco thought it was a good idea to challenge Harry Potter to a midnight duel. When he have heard of this he was angry, in what way did Draco thought that it was a good idea to challenge the golden boy of Gryffindor? Nico had immediately forbid Draco of going. He mentally sighed, he cared for his brother dearly but sometimes he could get too arrogant for his own good.  

Nico had finished all his homework and all of his friends (along with Lucas) were out in the lake, most likely messing around with some Gryffindor first years. Shaking his head in amusement he looked up when a flying piece of parchment that was folded into a plane landed by his feet. Furrowing his eyebrows in curiosity he took the parchment and unfolded it and recognize the neat cursive writing of his redheaded friend.

Meet me in the entrance hall

- Amelia

Smiling slightly he stood up and stretched, making sure his hair was tidy and that his dark blue casual robes weren't askew. Getting an idea he hurried back to his room to grab a bag of sweets his mother had mailed him before he left the common room. Walking in a brisk pace he smirked when he saw the red headed Ravenclaw waiting for him "Good morning Nico" Amelia greeted cheerily. Nico did a mock salute in greeting and held up the note which he had clutched in one hand "great charms work by the way" he says pocketing the note again.

Amelia's cheeks reddened slightly at the compliment and she stammered "well I've got something to show you, I wonder maybe if you'd like to company me for a walk around the grounds?" she asks, slightly fidgeting. Nico smirks and did a little bow "why for you milady? anything!" and laughed a little as the now blushing Amelia punched him in the arm.

They walked around the grounds together, snacking on the sweets he had brought with him. Amelia told him of this spell she founded while she was browsing in the library that made him very curious indeed.   

"Its called a patronus, its used to fight off Dementors and usually takes shape of an animal that in ways represents you, its supposedly very hard to do. I even asked professor Filtwilk and he said most adults can even make one!" Amelia says with wonder. He too was very curious, he had never heard of such spell and was about to ask more when Amelia seem to remember something.

"Oh! I almost forgot, I told my father that you were doing a bit of research for runes and he told me to give you this" handing him a thick book they submerge once again into a deep discussion about (you guessed it) runes. Nico didn't came back to the common room until a good three hours later, he had been spending most of his time with Amelia and rather felt very content. Seeing as his brother and the rest were sitting around the fire he took a seat in a comfortable arm chair and nodded in greeting to his brother who was smirking.

"Out with Amelia all day long were you?" Lucas teased and Nico shrugged "at least I've got something else to do then causing misfit" he retorted dryly. Lucas had an innocent expression in his face that he did not buy one bit "my my brother I've been good all day long! what makes you think I was up to something?" his twin said with a small smirk.

Nico was unimpressed "one of the Gryffindor quidditch player's had bright green hair and had green paint on her face that said 'Slytherin's are the best' that was bewitched to not come off for the whole day" Lucas shrugged meekly " a bit to obvious?" he says in a small voice while the others laughed.

"A bit to obvious yeah" but Nico had a grin in his face and soon they were all laughing, the conversation immediately changed to quiditch. When dinner finally came around Nico decided not to go "come on neeks you've got to eat" his brother insisted when he declined.

"Its fine Lucas I need some homework I've got to catch up on" Lucas had laughed "you? catch up on homework?" he said incredulously "but you're always done first!" Nico shrugged "I asked for some extra work for Runes" his brother had shook his head as if Nico was crazy but left without him anyway.

Nico retreated to his room and changed into his pajamas, he finally had the time to think about the Cerberus and professor Quirrell. As he lay in bed his thoughts seem to drift around, not connecting the dots at all. Why would Professor Dumbledore place a dangerous three headed dog in a school? well the only reason he would've done that was if he was protecting something. He froze, his mind connecting the dots. Not so long ago the daily prophet had reported a theft in Gringots, the article hadn't explained what was stolen but what if whatever that was stolen was the very item the Cerberus was protecting? it was definitely a wild theory but he had no other explanations.

Seeing as dinner had just started fifteen minutes ago and wasn't ending anytime soon he rolled over to his side and reached out to his desk for the leather bound notebook he had received at the start of the term. Nico had tried to do a bit of research about the initial and see who had sent it to him but had come up empty in his attempts. But he felt as if he knew that initial from somewhere, maybe his father might've mentioned that name before? or maybe hit was written somewhere? whatever that name meant he was confident he's going to figure out who it was from by Christmas at least. The book itself was proving to be very useful, he had already written on many pages on theories, potions he was working on and even spells and runic magic.

Flipping through the pages he stopped on the page he last worked on, it was something he had in his mind for a while now. He wanted to create some sort of link between these two books, so if one person wrote something on one book it would show up in the other. If he succeeded in doing this it would be much more easier then to owl the person he wanted the message to be sent  to.

Hearing the footsteps and murmuring of people coming back from dinner he placed the book back to his desk and pull up the covers up to his chin, waving his hand the curtains around his bed hid him from view and a few minutes later he was deep asleep.

Took awhile to actually write a chapter title, but anyway I hope you like it! thank you so much for reading and please tell me what you think!


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