"W-what is going on?" she asked

Ravage tilted his helm a little before he smiled

Kitten? ... Kitten! he moved a little closer to her.

"Wh-what are you doing?" she asked

Before she knew it Ravage moved behind her and grabbed the back of her shirt and lifted her up. "Whoa HEY!!!!" Sabrina screeched

Ravage then started sounding like he was... purring?... before he started trotting off like a little show horse away from the bots and Raf. "SABRINA!!!!!" Rafael called out

Bumblebee stopped and looked to see this he didn't know what to think before he ran towards the Cybercat. "HELP ME BEE!!!!" Sabrina cried

Bumblebee reached Ravage grabbed Sabrina from his jaw ripping the back of her shirt and ran off, Ravage stopped and looked to Bee. My kitten NO MY KITTEN!!!!!!

Ravage then growled and charged at the Scout. "Bee look out!" Raf cried

Bumblebee dodged Ravage and fired at him before running off again, Ratchet grabbed Raf and followed Bee the deployers followed the bots but they were now able to get to them.

Meanwhile Megatron was looking for Starscream on the warship feeling the ship slowly moving again.

The drones had looked at Megatron stunned but they respected their leader as he walked towards the bridge. Everything seems to be running efficiently... as it should. This is not Starscream's way. Megatron thought

Megatron then got onto the bridge and everyone looked at him and Skyquake was near the controls of the warship. "My lord Megatron, your back with us." he said

Megatron looked at him. "Indeed... Skyquake." he replied

Megatron looked around again before looking at the large seeker. "Where is Starscream?" he asked

Skyquake looked at his leader with a slight grin. "He's locked up in the brig, My lord." he replied bowing his helm.

Megatron just looked at him before he grinned. "Just where I wanted him." he replied

Before Megatron moved towards the door to go to brig Echo had run in with almost a panick look on her faceplate. "Skyquake I can't find- oh Lord Megatron... you're awake..." she said

Megatron looked at her. "I believe you were the one looking after me while I was in stasis. Is that correct?" he asked her

Echo looked at him and nodded. "Well you don't need to anymore, Echo." Megatron continued

Echo just looked at him. "Now I need to teach Starscream a lesson." Megatron said

Megatron moved closer to the door before stopping beside Echo. "Sorry for making you worry about me." he whispered to and lightly patted her on the helm

"I-it's alright my lord." Echo replied

Megatron then left the bridge and everyone just stared like 'what just happened' on their faceplates, Megatron walked down to the brig where Starscream was opening the door seeing the Seeker already where he wanted him he grinned. "Starscream." he said

The Seeker flitched before he looked at Megatron scared. "L-Lord Megatron." he said

Starscream's wings fell right down his back as he looked into the optics of the warlord. "You Are... You're healed!" he cried. "Praise the Allspark, it is a miracle!"

"Oh, it will be a miracle all right, Starscream, if you survive what I have planned for you!" Megatron snapped

Starscream's optics widened in pure fear as Megatron moved towards the seeker with a big grin on his face.

Back outside Optimus, Arcee and Bulkhead watched the warship start to move again before Optimus moved his servo to his com-link. "Ratchet, we need a bridge." he said

"You are not the only ones." Ratchet replied

The three bots looked over to see Bee, Ratchet, Sabrina and Raf they moved closer. "What are you doing here?" Optimus asked

Before they could respond all of a sudden off the now distant warship an extremely loud roar came from it, and Ratchet froze. Oh Scrap. He said to himself

"What was that?" Bulkhead asked

Optimus looked over towards the warship with wide optics. "W-was that Megatron?" he asked

Ratchet sighed. "It was." he replied

Optimus, Arcee and Bulkhead just stared at him and he explained it to them what happened Megatron coming back, Soundwave's deployers Ravage not acting like he normally is, to know. "So um... how are we getting back to base?" Arcee asked

"I do not know at this moment." Optimus replied

"Well can we figure it out quick I'm freezing. If you haven't noticed, the back of my shirt is ripped thanks to that kitty cat thing." Sabrina snapped

Ratchet looked at her. Now I see where her attitude comes from... he thought.

Optimus then tried to figure out how to get back before they contacted Agent Fowler getting them back to base and Ratchet checked Bee seeing if he was ok before Bee, Bulkhead and Arcee took the kids home just Optimus, Ratchet and Sabrina were there and the young girl had a lot on her mind.

"Sabrina come here for a moment." Ratchet said

Sabrina looked at him before she moved over to him. "Yes, Ratchet?" she asked

The old Medic looked at her and Optimus Prime was not to far from them. "I... have discovered who you are Sabrina..." he replied

Sabrina raised an eyebrow to that. "Alright?" she asked

Ratchet continued to look at her and took a deep breath. "You are my niece." he said

Optimus and Sabrina froze hearing that, Sabrina was shocked and she was unable to respond to him.  

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