Character Answers

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'Can you deepthroat???'

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'Ashton~ why do you have to be so damn cute all the time you lil cutie"

I do it for Luke, he seems to like it when I don't hurt his fragile ego.

'Also Ashton~ when tf are you and luke gonna shakalaka'

What does shakalaka even mean? 

Luke: Its when a mommy and a daddy love each other very very much--

Oh my God Luke, I hate you.

'Ashton again~ will you marry me if you didnt like luke'

I'm kind of pretty gay, well I'm bi but I lowkey have a preference for guys, not if it'll make you happy, sure!

Questions for Luke:

'Why. Just why are you so fluff?'

Thanks, I think? I don't know what you mean.

'Your in love with Ashton right? Right?'

I don't know man, Cal complimented my penis the other day. I could go heart eyes for him.

'I wanna be as badass and cool like you someday

I just need a leather jacket'

Badass and cool is just being yourself and expressing who you are outwardly, it just helps if you've got a bad attitude half the time and want to fight people all the time. Make sure you be a responsible badass, which means lots of water, don't smoke because it's really bad for you and get yourself a trusty leather jacket that you know you'll enjoy wearing more than once. Mine's kind of falling apart because it's fake leather but I love it and wear it more than I wear boxers.

'Can you teach me your ways of chillness and sassiness?'

A lot of people think being chill has something to do with not caring as much, which is does but the sass comes in when you care a little too much. So you have to care but not at the same time, and then just add in really weird insults like Ashton does. He called me a 'dildo hopper' once. Speaking in an equalized tone helps too, like no one expects to hear a joke about sucking dick when you're talking so calmly about it.

'How bad do u love Ashton?'

'How do you really feel about Ash :))'

These two questions kind of go together so I'm going to answer them at the same time. How do I really feel about him? I don't know what the feeling is when you get nervous, knees weak, palms are sweaty, something, something, spaghetti. But seriously, I have no idea what the feeling is but he sets my heart on fire. Whatever I feel for him, if it's love, it's really really badly.

'What makes you want to do things like run naked from the cops or just be badasś all the time'

I don't know, I just feel if my heart's not pumping really fast then I'm being really boring and have to do something stupid to get it racing again. That's why Ashton and I are such great friends, when he's around I forget that I'm boring all together.
It's easier to do stupid shit when you're not alone, I'm sure if my friends weren't with me I wouldn't be who I am today. I'm definitely more confident around my friends and it's probably going to put me in jail in the future.

'Luke~ do you love ashton til the ends of the earth'

Okay damn, that's intense, uh. Well, like my love for Ashton, there are no ends because the earth is round.

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