don't help...

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         **Dan's pox**
Having my eyes shut and not really seeing who helped me didn't work to judge, but they helped me so I shouldn't judge who just saved my unwanted self.

I open my eyes slowly and see a beautiful punky looking boy who was helping me. he had amazing shiny light blue eyes, Having a lip piercing on his bottom soft looking lip, and a dragon tattoo on his left side of his neck.

He makes his way to the boys bathroom and placed me on the counter where the sinks were.

I look down slowly feeling like my ribs are probably broken and shattered even more from that bully and my own father.

"Y-you know, y-you could of w-walk off and i-ignore like the r-rest." I mumbled and stuttered under my breath as I chew on my pinkish sleeve.

He looked at me and walked over me, placing his hand on my thigh and lifting up my chin so I can look at him which I did look into those eyes that I can drown in. "I'm not the rest..I'm more different than you think.." He whispered that sounded really husky and raspy that sounded really calmly.

I blush every bright having my lips apart, "I'm different as well..but I guess No one likes different normal people." I mumbled keeping my voice small.

He sighed and pressed his fingers on my ribs area softly and gently, letting out a small whimper escaping my lips. "Your pretty hurt.."

There was a small pause, I think he's thinking or something..hopefully. Then he quickly grabs a towel and dabs it on water for my bloody nose, tipping my head back so the blood can go back. And putting the wet towel on my nose hole.

"Okay hey, lets go to your first class and when school ends I'll try to help you out on the pain your that a plan.." he asked softly

I nodded and look down "my name is Dan by the way..if you didn't know.." I said sniffing

He nodded and picks me up to make me walk which I still feel numb "Phil..Phil Lester.." he mumbled and puts his hands on my waist helping me walk as he throw the towel in the trash can.

I take a step slowly and another, he lets go and watches me walk "your doing good, Dan." he says softly which I started liking his soft gently voice.

"T-thank you phil..and um..thank you for helping means a lot." I give him a smile that I never gave anyone.

He smiled back and walks out the bathroom leaving me alone in the bathroom.

I walk slowly to my first hour and sit down in the very back wanting to be left alone and die very slowly and painfully.
Hello everyone,I'm sorry I didn't posted a Phil pox here but I'll try to the next time..hehe I'll see you tomorrow I'm really tired. Soo goodnight my children.
Kissed xxx.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2016 ⏰

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