Chapter 12

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Oscar's POV:

"I don't think she's just gonna give up like that Oscar but I have some good news for you. I managed to pickpocket this out of her bag." Ursula. The girl I hired to keep watch of Lydia. I noticed that she's starting to get her memories back. And I swear once she finds out she's actually Aura things will have to take a drastic turn. She pulled a small round music box out of her bag and I recognize it from before. Way before. And the song it plays that's the song that Aura song not too long ago. "If you let me run with the plans I'll take care of Aura and those newsies for you." she said. "I'll give you whatever you need for your plan. And I'll pay you as much as you want I just want her journey to be stopped before she finds out the truth about herself."

"Then might I suggest fake the image of Spot Conlon. You told me she doesn't believe in the stories of Spot Conlon how about we make her believe that the stories are true. That you were right all along."

"I like how this plan is sounding. Go on." I said. "My idea is we sneak this music box in with Spot and make it look like he was just being nice to her just to get her music box. Make her think that he never loved her. Make her think that he took the music box and ran off. She'll be so heartbroken she'll just come running to you in tears and filled with regret."

I like the way she's thinking. It's been so long trying to find her. Trying to get her to comply with me. To love me. Instead she goes for that street rat king Spot Conlon. What does he have that I don't? Besides her parents should've behaved at first when I told them they can repay me with their baby but no they decided to be all noble and save their lovely daughter and how did they do it. They dropped her off at the footsteps of an orphanage. You should've seen it, it was so brave of them.

But now I've got thier kid. And I have her just the way I planned to be. Well not exactly, I just need to get her to face the reality about who Spot Conlon really is. Get her to see the true him.

Lydia's POV:

"He's starting to drive me insane right now. He's telling me stories about Spot. How cruel and ruthless he is. Well I don't believe those stories. I've seen how Spot can be nice. He's just misunderstood I know it." I said.

"I told you. Should've avoided him from the beginning." said Sarah. "Gee thanks for the advice I'll keep that in mind when I walk up to the altar to be proclaimed Ms. Lydia Delancey." I decided to stay with Sarah and David for a little while to cool down from that argument I had with Oscar. Now as my journey progresses more things are starting to get more intense. Like I'm really starting to lose more and more love for Oscar, I'm starting to feel more sympathy for Spot and maybe a hint of love, and worst of all I can't find my music box. I had it in my bag when I left the theater but when I came back home it was just gone. Things are starting to get a little bit weird.

"I scheduled a little something for you and Spot. I told him to meet you here at our house because he's taking you to Brooklyn tonight for a special surprise. And I also managed to smuggle this in while I was at work. Yes I know this could get me in trouble at work but this was in the reject pile I don't think Ms. Lynch will really go crazy that it's missing."

Sarah showed me a long, flowy yellow dress. And I started to twirl around with it. It was the most flowiest and one of the most beautiful dresses I've ever seen. I swear sarah knows my taste in clothing, especially dresses. "Sarah I have something to tell you it's about my past and maybe my future. It wasn't a flashback but it was more like a vision. I saw myself hugging this lady and she mentioned something about us being together and all that stuff. I think she could be my mother."

"Well that is news but you still got more to learn but I know you. I know your fighting spirit. I know you'll get your memories back." I refused to look in the mirror so I covered up my eyes when she was finished. "You can open you eyes. You look beautiful. No you look stunning." I was still nervous. I'm always nervous of how I'll look when I put on a new dress. I slowly uncovered my eyes and what I saw before me was stunning. I started spinning around and looking all around myself. "Sarah I don't look stunning. I look like a star. Like a shining star." I said. "Not yet you do." She put my locket on me and she tied a sky blue ribbon behind me I guess for some more color and stepped back. "Now you do."

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