Chapter 3

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Lydia's POV:

"I should never have let you out without an escort along."

"Oscar it's fine I just bumped into a girl that's all. She seems really nice." We were arguing about how late I came home from work. It took a lot to tell him to let me go to work and back alone, without an escort.

"You never know. You never know if she's siding with those newsies scum."

"Oscar you know how I don't like it when you call them that. Just because they don't have much and that they're trying to make a living doesn't mean they're bad people." The Delancey's and the newsies have this deep rivalry going on. Even before I came to Oscar's life. But I don't want to take part in it all I want to take part is to help them. They seem so poor and helpless to me. And it just makes me kind of glad but sort of sad to see them trying to add some fun in their poor life because to me children should be playing outside or going to school so they can be someone not a slave to society.

Oscar put his hands gently on my face skimming his thumb on my cheek. "Just listen I just want you to be safe. I don't want you to see you go away like I did before. You know how New York is. The streets of New York is a dark and cold place when it finds a hint of light and beauty it destroys it like it almost did with you." I felt Oscar's soft lips kiss my forehead and slowly he knelt down his forehead to mine. " I was gonna save it for after we get married but I think you're ready now."

Oscar reached down under his pocket and pulled out a diamond studded bracelet. "It was my mother's. I keep it to remind me of all the times we had and now since we're getting married soon I feel like it will look more beautiful when you wear your wedding dress." It was a lot to take in. Oscar may be overprotective but he does have a soft spot for me.

The Next Day

I finally get a day off of work and all I did was put on my best white dress with gold lace trimmings on them compliments to Sarah for making the dress for me and walked off to central park. I got Oscar to let me go alone since I'll just be going to the park and it'll be a relaxing day. I see a little pigeon trying to get up a tree but I guess his wing's broken and none of his friends are helping. Don't worry I feel that pain. I got up from my spot and gently picked up the pigeon in my hands. "Are you ok little guy?" All he did was ruffle his feathers and scratch his wing. I guess his wing is broken. "Oh you poor thing. Your wing must be broken. And I guess your family must've left you. Don't worry I went through that before. The thing is I don't know who my real family is but at least I have a man that loves me. Don't worry little guy I'll take you to my home and fix up your wing. I'll release you when you're good and healthy."

"You have a warm heart." I jumped a little scaring the pigeon too. "I'm sorry I feel like everytime we see each other we scare each other." It was only Rosie, the girl I met yesterday. "Hello it's Rosie... Right?" I asked. "Yes and you're Lydia. Anyway I never met a person that has such a huge and warm heart. You must really have a lot of care and love in you." she said.

"Oh I love animals but there's one thing I've always wanted to do. I've always wanted to run a boarding house, an orphanage, or a lodging house. I would be different from those caretakers because I would give out real care and love. I want to work with children but Oscar told me to stay away from street rat scum."

"Don't listen to Oscar. He doesn't know much. And you're goal is beautiful I never met a person that would want to take care of children so badly." said Rosie. Sitting down at the same time I told her my life story. "That's not all. My main dream that I want to accomplish so badly is to be a famous singer. I have auditions tomorrow and I still need to think of a song to sing. I'm normally not one to write songs I just sing what comes to my head and so far everything is blank just like my forgotten past."

"Have you always wanted to find out your past? Where you really come from? Who you really are? And if you have a family? And if they're out there waiting for you?" asked Rosie. 'I've always wanted too but Oscar told me it's no use. He told me my family abandoned me so there's no use in trying to figure out my past."

"Forget what Oscar says do you do everything what Oscar says. Cuz if you do then you're starting to fall into the trap. I'm not trying to lure you away from marrying him cuz I know the plan's already set but for once in your life think about yourself. In my opinion, I feel like you should go after your goal. To find your past. Because you never know the answers you seek will be there." Well I do have one month of my freedom before I marry so it's worth a chance anyway at least do all the things before I get sucked into marriage.

"I'll do it. But if I'm going to find my past then I'm gonna need some help and we're gonna have to do it inconspicuously. Oscar has eyes on every street of New York." I said looking around making sure none of his goons are around. "I'll be glad to help I say we start the day after your auditions will you be working then?" she asked. "Tomorrow I'm telling my boss I'll be quitting and it'll take a couple of days to know if I made it or not. So that'll be good."

"Goodie. I'll meet you here on the same spot we met today."

This is it. I'm finally going on my journey. To find myself and where I belong. And I felt something in me like something special but weird. This is the same feeling I had when I had that weird flashback yesterday does this means my memories are coming back.

"Heart don't fail me now

Courage don't desert me

Don't turn back now that we're here

People always say

Life is full of choices

No one ever mentions fear

Or how the world seems so vast

On a journey... to the past

Somewhere down this road

I know someone's waiting

Years of dreams just can't be wrong

Arms will open wide

I'll be safe and wanted

Finally home where I'll belong

Well, starting now, I'm learning fast

On this journey to the past"

I rest for a minute laying the pigeon down a water fountain watching it splash around and mingle along with other pigeons. While I was watching I notice two young children a boy and a girl playing together and their mom and dad joyfully looking upon them from a park bench. I envy those children. They have something I don't have. A family.

"Home, Love, Family

There was once a time I must've had them too

Home, Love, Family

I will never be complete without you

Until I find you

One step at a time

One hope, then another

Who knows where this road may go

Back to who I was

On to find my future

Things my heart still needs to know

Yes let this be a sign!

Let this road be mine!

Let it lead me to my past

And bring me home

At Last!"

When I sung that last note when I got back home a light just sparked in me. I think I found the song to sing tomorrow. And soon I'll start getting my memories back and maybe I'll be able to return home to my family if they're out there for me.

Song used in this chapter was Journey to the Past by Liz Callaway from the movie Anastasia. I do not own any of the characters except Rosie and Aura (Lydia).

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