Chapter 1

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Spot's POV:

It's been 5 months since Aura disappeared. And I blame myself for everything that happened to her. My boys tell me to give it up. That she's dead. I constantly tell them that she's not dead. That she's alive. I'se can feel it. Even some of my little birds gave up searching for her. But not me. I'se won't give up. I'se won't give up searching for my love.

It was almost done. Still kind of messy to read. But the song was almost done. The song that I'se promised Aura I would finish. Our song.

Everytime I look in your eyes

And everytime that you start to cry

When your heart is blind

I'll be by your side

Just hold tightly onto my hand

When I start to think of you

My wounded heart starts to beat

And when I see you time starts to freeze

I still think of the days when I first just met you

It still feels so brand new with you

I tried to hold back tears when I looked back onto the memories when I showed her from the top of the dock. When I sung to her. Looking at her cap and locket. The locket I gave her. I'se remember when Jack came up to me the next day showing me the locket. That the night before they couldn't find her. That this was all that's been left behind of her.

Waking up to your smiling face

You're the one, no one can take your place

You're irreplaceable

So unattainable

But, I know I'm not the one you love anymore

I was a fool to let her go. If she is really dead. Then she's must hate me for this. She has a every right to hate me. If she's dead or alive. I let her go like that. I understand if she can no longer love anymore.

Every step I take

Hurts deeply within

I have to let, let go of you

I tried to forget about her a couple weeks ago. I tried to resume with my job. Because everytime I walk around Brooklyn I think of her. And all the memories I had with her. And they did nothing except pain me with all the guilt and regret for not being with her on that day.

Thinking back to what we had

When I told you you're mine

Is there a way to turn back in time

I regret letting go of all the love we had

I'm still missing you

But who am I kidding. I'm only kidding myself. The more I'se try to forget about Aura. The more the memories of me and her together grow stronger. And the regret for letting go of her and out our love grew stronger as well. There's only one thing in me right now and that's the feel of missing her constantly. Sometimes I'se wish that there was a way I'se could turn back in time and be there for her. With the song complete a part of me feels good. But it will be better if Aura was here to hear the whole thing.

Lydia's POV:

It felt so magical when Oscar went down on one knee and proposed to me. After all he did save me from my attacker. My drunk attacker. And in about a month I'll be Lydia Delancey. I never knew my last name. I don't remember it along with some other things. Such as my real name and the memories of my past. But Oscar told me to forget about my past because it's done nothing for me except get me confused and endangered. He told me New York's too dangerous for a girl like me. He said he wants to keep my beauty safe away from the harms of outside. So if I'm ever to go outside I have to have an escort with me which is mostly him or Morris.

But there's only one thing I disapprove of them doing. And that's bullying the newsies. They told me it's part of their daily routine. To mess with them and as they put in their terms to "soak them". I just feel like it's giving them and me a bad rep. Already people are starting to be afraid of me and I'm not like them at all. Just sometimes I think that once I marry Oscar people will look at me as a threat and I don't want it to be like that. I couldn't even make one friend because of Oscar and Morris. Just for once I want someone to befriend not just because of Oscar and Morris but for how I am on the inside.

I felt someone's arms grab me from the wait giving me a rough tickle. "Oscar be gentle. We're not even married yet and you're already trying start it with me." I giggled rubbing where he grabbed me.

"You know I can't stay away from you. I just can't stay away from your beauty and your singing." When I came into Oscar's and Morris's life I brought in my voice with me. I just thought that there had to be something to cheer up this gloomy place. And I just thought my singing would liven things up. "I tell you when Medda hears you sing she'll have to let you in."

In about two days I perform for Medda to see she'll let me in her theater as a performer. It's always been my dream to be a famous singer. But for right now I work as a seamstress for a very, very grouchy boutique owner. "The wedding will be in a month but some parts of me feel like this is going to turn my life upside down."

"What makes you think that? Despite the fact that you're marrying one of the people that attacked me and my brother." Remember how I told you I had trouble making friends it just so happens that I was in luck before. Sarah Jacobs. She works with me in the dress boutique and she's also making my wedding dress. She told me how Oscar and Morris attacked her and her brothers. "Didn't you say someone saved you?"

"Yes. But I still don't trust you marrying that man. Once a goon. Always a goon." I keep telling her that he's sort of changed in a way. And he may still be bullying the newsies along with Morris but some parts of him as changed. I think it was because of me. "The only reason why I feel nervous marrying Oscar is because I don't have a family around. I don't remember them. I'm not sure if they're dead or alive. And once I marry Oscar I'm scared of how people will look at me from now on. And if my family is out there how will they react. This is why it's important that I get back my memories back even if it's against Oscar's wishes. I just can't live not knowing my past. I have to know."

"Calm down. Ms. Lynch will kill you if you mess up that skirt you're working on. And didn't I already tell you when I took you to the doctor. You'll most likely get your memories back but don't be so hopeful most people that have what you have don't end up getting their memories. Just think back to the first memory you remembered of your past and from there on it will be easier to remember the rest. It takes time."

Sarah was right. Think of the first memory you had and there on it will be easier to remember the rest because while I was walking back home I bumped into a girl about my age. And just suddenly looking into her eyes I get a flashback.

"You have to tell him soon. You've kept these feeling for him way too long. It's time."

"I don't know. I heard a lot about him. What if he's just playing with me. Right now he could be two-timing me for another girl." I said. I was talking about a boy and about telling him how I feel for him.

"No! Just look before you came he was like that. But when you came you changed his life. You changed his ways. And he's joined the strike because of you. He's doing everything for you. Because he loves you."

"I'm sorry about that. I got a little sidetracked." The girl just stared at me wide-eyed and just started circling me like I was a meal. "Ok why are you circling me like some type of predator." I said. "Oh sorry. I don't mean to be creepy but I feel like I know you. What's your name?" the girl said.

"Lydia. I'll be Lydia Delancey soon in a month... You may have heard. I'm engaged to Oscar Delancey and we're marrying in a month." I said. "Lydia. Well nice to meet you. I'm Rosie." After telling me who she was she started to slump in a depressed position. "Is there something the matter?" I asked.

"No. No. It just seems like you're someone who I used to know. Aurelia. Queen of Brooklyn. She went missing five months ago and Spot's doing everything he can to find her." she said.

"I don't know no Aurelia. I especially don't know who Spot is but I just hope he finds her. It just seems so sad to have to face you lost the person you love and not knowing where they are."

Song used for Spot's and Aura's love song was an english translation of Back in Time from the Korean drama The Moon that Embraces the Sun. Sung by Youtube User Kevin Ortiz. Please Review!

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