Chapter 9

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Lydia's POV:

I secretly put on the red dress that was given to me by Rosie and started doing my hair. I tried to match the hairstyle that I had in my flashback. I started humming along with my music box as I got prepared. "I know this is dangerous but I have to do it I owe Spot and besides something about him makes me think he belonged in my past. That he was a part of it." I whispered over to my pigeon. It would be in a couple of days where I release him out back to the outside. My pigeon kept cooing like he was concerned about me. "Oscar won't know. I told him I'm only having dinner at Sarah's place and strangely he was fine with it. I guess it's because she's the one who made my wedding dress."

The pigeon just kept cooing and started to tilt his head. "Don't worry about me. I'll be fine." I looked at the locket again and looked back at my music box playing. "Something familiar about this locket." I didn't have any pockets in my dress so I just decided to wear it until I got to the restaurant. Not only is this a good way to make it up with Spot but it's a chance to return the locket to him. I bet it's Aura's.

"I'll be back soon. And when I get back make sure I have a name ready for you. You've been living with me for such time now. It's time you received a name. I tiptoed across the stairs and down the hall. I made sure Oscar and Morris were asleep by the time I would go out. I shouldn't be doing this. I'm going out to meet another boy. I feel so guilty but at the same I feel like I must do this because whenever I'm with Spot I get this good feeling that I don't normally get around Oscar nowadays.

When I got to the restaurant Spot was waiting for me outside. He looked so stunned and so starstrucked like he never saw anyone more beautiful before. "Wow... Just wow. You look amazing." We both let out a laugh and I started to shy away. "Thanks. My friend Rosie gave me the dress. And the hair was just my idea." I felt a hand gently lead me to Spot's face. "Don't shy yourself away. A beauty like this shouldn't be hidden away." I felt a warm light resonating from Spot and I felt like my heart would flutter out of me.

When I got in (well I got a different reaction). Almost every Newsie in Manhattan was there. They were all looking at me. I put my hand on my forehead to try to block out another flashback. I swear these flashbacks come at the wrong time. And mainly they happen when I'm around Sarah, Spot, or Rosie.

"They're all looking at me."

"Let them look it's time they see the side you've been hiding."

I felt a his hand resting on my back as I saw every Newsie look at me. Have they never really known there was this side of me? Am I really that reserved? I felt the gazes of the Newsies eyes following me as we walked to the theater. I felt a little boy's hands grab my hands as he complimented me on how I looked.

"Thank you Les. You're looking pretty dapper today as well."

"Not as pretty as you. You look like a princess."

"Is everything ok? Do you need to sit down?" asked Spot. "It's nothing I just have a little headache. It'll go away." Another clue to my past. It seems like what I'm experiencing with the newsies is the same experience I saw in my flashback. Then it means in my past I must've had something to do with the newsies. And that hand on my back. It felt so similar to how Spot has his on mine right now. And who's Les? This flashback maybe vague but I got a lot of clues to my past. I have to know who Les is.

"So why do you keep trying to hang out with me? Is there something about me?" said Spot. "Well I wanted to make it up to you on how I acted when we first met and this may seem strange but you seem very familiar. Like I feel like I know you in a past life. This may sound crazy but I have very little memory on my past. Like I don't know where I come from and I don't know my family. But when I see you I get this feeling that you may have been a part of my past."

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