Fight Time

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B: She is-
There was a large explosion.
T: What was that?!
Bo: You think it's time?
B: Yep let's get the boys.
The go to the guys room.
K: Y'all heard that right?
B: Yep. We have to go now.
G: Why?
T: It's time.
S: Why now?
Bo: Stop your whining and let's go.
They go to the entrance of the institution.
B: That's what we have to fight.
???: HAHAHA!! Oh the 6 Aces have arrived.
S: What do you want?
???: Bailey.
B: I thought you wanted to get rid of the "horrid" place.
???: Oh honey, my real plan is to get my full powers back and kill you.
Bo: You won't kill her.
???: I will. The 6 Aces are going down.
B: If you wanna fight, then let's fight. 6 Aces, let's go!
The all spread out.
Bo: Let's go you son of a bitch.
Boogie throws the debris at her.
???: *dodges them and sometimes throws them back at Boogie*
Bo: *falls back* Damn it. Kenneth now!
???: *laughs* 1
K: *screams*
Everyone covers there ears expect for her.
???: *falls* Ahh.
Bo: It's working! *throws more debris*
T: *runs and ties rope around her*
???: *gets up and breaks free* Think you can stop me so easily? * screams* 2
K: *falls to the ground*
G: *goes to heal him*
???: Not so fast nurse boy. *uses her mind to push Gabe back*
G: *hits the wall* Ouch!
T: Gabe!
???: *pulls Tati closer to her* 3 *throws her towards Gabe*
T: Ow!
???: 4
S: Bailey what do we do?
B: Go help them.
S: *runs towards them*  *hears ??? coming up behind him* Not so fast.
???: You caught me. I guess I have to surrender.
S: That would be the nice thing to do.
???: Silly little boy. *whispers in his ear* 5.
S: What? *feels sharp in stomach and back* Ow! *falls to the ground*
???/B: Your out.
B: You are going down bitch.
???: Try me.
B: *breaths* *blinks* I now control you.
???: More like I control you.
B: What?
???: Run.
B: *runs*
???: Stop.
B: *stops* What are you doing to me?
???: I am much stronger than you. You cannot defeat me. I will kill you. *uses her mind to beat Bailey up*
B: *gets hurt all over* *screams in pain*
???: I thought you were ready.
Trainer: Guess she wasn't.
B: I knew it. You seemed off these past few days. Why?
Trainer: I was supposed to be the next superhero but the 6 Aces got in the way and I became a trainer and had my powers stripped from me. You ruined my chances of ever becoming a hero!
???: Get her.
Trainer: *beats Bailey up and throws her to the ground*
B: *coughs up blood*
Trainer: Not so strong now Bailey.
B: Mikayla you don't have to do this.
Mikayla: How do you know me?
B; You were in my vision in freshman year. You were my tormentor, "SK." This person trying to kill me is Vanessa. She was "A." *gets up*
V: Well done. Sadly you have to die now.
The rest of the 6 Aces get up.
T: Don't kill her!
V: Too late. *uses her mind to rip out Bailey's heart and throws it*
B: *screams in pain*
Bailey's lifeless body falls to the ground.
V: *laughs* *goes into human form* I'm back.
Bo: YOU ASSHOLE! YOU KILLED MY BEST FRIEND. * runs towards Vanessa and beats the shit out of her*
Mikayla: Get off of her.
T: *punches Mikayla and knocks her out*
K: *runs towards Bailey's body* *starts to cry* Why did this happen to you? You didn't deserve this. I wish I had the guts to tell you me real feelings about you earlier.
Everyone starts crying and the guys comfort the girls.
V: I'm out. *fades away*
Bo: We failed.
Instructor: You did. Because you did, you guys will be stripped of your powers and you must not tell anyone about this place....ever.
G: So this is how we end off junior year?
T: To be honest I don't care. I just want Bailey back.
Instructor: *strips them of their powers and sends then back to their house*
Outside of Bailey's house-
T: Guys what are we going to tell Bailey's parents?
K: The truth. We were granted superpowers and we had to save the world. Bailey died and we were stripped of them because the bad guy got away.
Bo: Like they are going to believe that.
S: They have to. It's the truth.
G: Or we tell them that we were in a road trip and we got into a car accident and Bailey's body was never found.
T: We were gone for so long tho.
Bo: How about we don't tell them. We don't know where she is or where she went. She never told us or texted us anything. We haven't heard from her in days.
S: Act like she just disappeared and never came back.
K: What else can we do?
T: Nothing.
G: Let's just move on with our lives.
S: Ok.
T: Bye.

Hope you guys enjoyed this part
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You Can't Reverse The Past (Third part of It Happens series) COMPLETEDHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin