I Know Who You Are

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B: When will this end?
Trainer: When you finish your mission.
Bo: That's it?
Trainer: Yea pretty much. There is an evil being upon us and rumor has it that they have infiltrated the institution so be on high alert. You have to be ready no matter what.
K: Your saying that our mission could happen at any moment.
Trainer: Pretty much yea. Ok get some rest guys.
The trainer leaves.
S: Does anyone else have a weird suspicion of him?
Everyone expect Sean: Yep.
B: He seems off. Have you noticed that?
T: Girl tell me about it.
Bo: You think he is apart of it?
G: Could be. Who knows? Let's just get some rest for tomorrow.
K: Alright.
They all leave the training room.
In the Trainer's room-
???: Welcome back.
Trainer: When do we do this? I can't keep on hiding you in my room.
???: Time will tell. I need to regain my strength. I am weak right now. I can only enter her mind. She won't listen to me.
Trainer: How much longer will this take?
???: In one week I will be at my strongest. Keep on training them.
Trainer: Why? Shouldn't I be sabotaging them.
???: A fight is no fun when I'm the only strong one here.
Trainer: Fine.
???: Shhhh. She has entered her mind again. Oh my sweet little Bailey. You are a fool. Nobody will save you.
Trainer: Why are we doing this?
???: That's for me to know and for you to find out.
Trainer: Whatever I'm going to bed.
???: Goodnight my sweet child.
In the girls' room-
B: *screams*
T: *wakes up* BAILEY!
Bo: *runs towards her* WHATS WRONG!
B: *starts crying* I saw the fight. We're going to die! I also heard her voice again. This time it sounded so close. Like she is here.
T: *hugs Bailey* It's going to be ok. She is just messing with your mind. You are more powerful than her.
B: I heard her talking to someone else. I don't know who it was though since it was another female. Their voices sounded very familiar. I know I've heard those voices before. *realizes something* Boogie pass me my phone.
Bo: *passes Bailey her phone* What's up?
B: Remember when I told you I had that vision back in freshman year?
T/Bo: Yea?
B: I think I might know who these two people are. *looks through the phone* The texts are here. Look. *shows them her phone* I knew that something bad was going to happen. Tbh I thought my vision was gonna happen but I guess not.
Bo: Bailey these says that they were sent last year. What's so significant about that?
B: If I can go back into the vision I can find out these people are.
T: Can't you do that tomorrow during training?
B: I cou-*gasps*
Bailey's mind-
B: *coughs* Why did you summon me?!
???: Guess who.
B: Wait I thought that you were a guy?
???: I've been the one controlling you.
B: What do you want?
???: Ask yourself that question. You were the one who summoned me when you had that vision.
B: What are you saying?
???: You brought me back to life. I'm here to get my revenge on this horrid place. I was in your vision just as a human.
B: Your a spirit?
???: Yes and no. I can inhabit a human body or become a human but I still have the characteristics of a spirit.
B: Why do you want revenge?
???: I once ruled this place but was banished and the prophecy stated that if the person with the power of sight and mind unleashed their power, then I would be released.
B: Why me?
???: Those are my main powers. They were dormant inside of you for a long time.
B: You mean I was born with them?
???: Exactly. Now I'm free and I will get my revenge on this horrid place. First I start with you. You will listen to every word I say.
B: Not a chance bitch.
???: *says ancient hymn*
B: Not working. *blinks*
In the real world-
Bo: Come on Bailey. WAKE UP! *slaps her*
B: *coughs* OH!
Bo: Sorry!
T: What the hell was that?
B: I met our matchmaker. She is trying to control me but I'm much stronger than her.
Bo: Who is she?
B: She is.....

Hope you guys enjoyed this part
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Love ya😘

You Can't Reverse The Past (Third part of It Happens series) COMPLETEDजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें