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B: How could you guys do that to them?!
Bo: They don't deserve this?!
T: You guys really are the definition of fuckboy.
K: We didn't mean to get the pregnant.
B: Next time pull out.
S: There won't be a next time. We have to help them.
G: We are the fathers.
T: And what do you want us to do?
Bo: Yea you said that you needed help.
K: Can you go back in time to last month when the party was so that we can go back and not make the mistake that we did.
B: *laughs* Last time I checked we weren't time travelers.
Bo: You can't reverse the past.
T: Sorry you guys are on your own.
The girls start to walk away.
K: Please! I'm not ready to be a father! I wasn't ready to settle down yet!
B: Wish not granted! Bye!
Tati stops walking.
Bo: Tati what are you doing?
T: Maybe we should help them.
B: Why? *gasps*
Bo: Don't do anything!
Bo: Just trust me.
T: Ok.
Bailey's mind-
???: Welcome back.
B: Yea why am I here again.
???: You found your friends and your mission that you need to complete.
B: Wait what? We actually have to help the guys out? You got me fucked up. I am not helping San Jose.
???: Go ahead you can skip the mission.
B: Thanks you-
???: If you want you and your friends to lose your powers and life. Then go ahead, be my guest.
B: If I don't complete this my friends and I lose our powers and die.
???: That is correct.
B: Fine we will help them. How do enter alternate universes?
???: Concentrate. Just think about it.
B: Hoe about going back in time?
???: That takes time and practice. You will need to find it in yourself.
B: So I can't go back just yet, I have see the alternate universe.
???: Yes.
B: Ok. Well I'm out. Peace. *blinks*
In the real world-
T: Bailey?
B: Yea?
T: OMG what happened?
Bo: She was using her power of the sight and mind.
T: Wait his shit is real?!
B: Yep and we have to help out the guys or else we lose our powers-
Bo: Fine with that.
T: Same.
B: Are you fine with dying?! Because that will also happen if we don't do this.
T: What?! I don't wanna die.
B: Then we have to help them.
Bo: Fine. Take us back in time.
B: I can't. I don't have access to that yet.
I can check out the alternate universe that has them not impregnating the girls.
T: We just need to train?
Bo: Bailey does.
B: Yea. Let's go.
They walk back up to the guys.
B: Fine we will help you.
K: Awesome. By the way, what the hell was that back their?
B: Nothing. Meet me at my house after school.
Everyone expect Bailey: Ok.
*skips to Bailey's house*
B: Ok let's do this.
S: Uh do what exactly?
Bo: Watch.
G: Are we going to die?
T: No and shut up.
K: Just do it.
B: Ok. *blinks and gasps*
K: *gets up fast* Bailey!
Bo: Sit!
S: She is possessed!
T: No she isn't.
G: Then what is it?!
Bo: Her power.
K: Power?!
T: The three of us have powers. I have speed.
Bo: I have strength.
Bo/T: And Bailey and sight and mind.
G: What's going on?
Bo: Just shut up and watch?
B: *blinks and coughs*
K: You okay Sok?
B: I'm fine.
Bo: So what did you see?
B: Nothing. I kept getting disrupted. *glares at them*
T: We told them to shut up.
B: I heard a voice and but I couldn't see who it was.
Bo: Was it him?
B: No it was a girl's voice this time.
T: OMG Bailey your arm!
B: What? *looks down at her arm*  What the hell is that?
K: It looks like a burn mark.
B: But it doesn't hurt.
S: Then what could it be?
B: *looks into it* I've discovered something new about my power.
K: How di-
Bo: She can look into the souls of people and read things.
K: Oh. What did you discover?
B: I can move stuff with my mind and read people's thought.
G: That's it.
B: I'm sorry that I haven't reached my full potential yet.
T: We're still new at this you know.
S: Sorry. We don't have powers like you guys.
Bo: Your lucky.
G: Why?
B: We have to help you or else we lose our powers and die.
T: As much as we hate you, we have to do this.
B: Yea we don't want to die.....*looks into the guy's souls*
K: Uhhhhhhh.
Bo: Just be quiet.
K: Ok.
B: Uh I need to go to the bathroom. I'll be back.
S: Weird.
In the bathroom-
B: What?! I only thought that there was two other heroes, not five more.
???: I guess three more heroes needed to be discovered and you did just that.
B: Their powers are of sound, super scream and healing.
???: Who has what?
B: Kenneth has the power of the super scream, Sean has the power of sound and Gabe has the power of healing.
???: You are indeed correct.
B: But why?
???: You will soon find out. Right now you need to train and tell them about their powers.
B: Ok. *blinks*
Bailey leaves the bathroom.
G: Who were you talking to you?
B: No one.
S: We heard you talking to someone.
B: It was no one. Ow!
T: What happened?
B: I just got burned on my wrist.
G: Woah. There are words.
B: It's in Korean. It says "눈 과 마음".
T: What does that mean?
B: Sight and mind.
Bo: Why is your pow-Ow!
T: You ok?
Bo: I got burned too. On my wrist as well. It's in Filipino. It says "Lakas", strength.
T: ........Ow! Guess what. I got burned too in my wrist as well. It's in English. It says "Speed". 
G: Your powers are burned on your skin now.
K: Why?
B: I don't know why.

YEP. They guys have powers. I guess they aren't normal after all. I wonder how long it will be before the mistake will be fixed? Who knows?
Hope you guys enjoyed this part
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You Can't Reverse The Past (Third part of It Happens series) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now