6 Aces

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G: Your powers are burned on your skin now.
K: Why?
B: I don't know why.
S: That's the one thing that you don't know?
B: Don't push it Lew.
T: Not the best idea to mess with us now that we have our powers.
S: Ok.
Bo: Maybe that's is where our powers are. Kinda like the core of it.
T: That makes sense.
K: That is so cool! I want powers now.
B: Umm... Tats, Boogie? A word please.
T/Bo: Sure.
They girls walk upstairs to Bailey's room.
B: *closes and locks the door* We aren't alone.
T: We know that. The guys are here.
Bo: We aren't stupid Bailey.
B: No I mean we aren't the only ones with these powers.
Bo: Who else has them?
B: The boys.
T/Bo: WHAT?!
B: I felt that something was wrong with them and I looked into their souls and saw that they had power as well.
T: What powers?
B: Gabe has healing, Kenneth has super scream and Sean has sound.
Bo: Is that what you were talking about in the bathroom?
B: Yea. We have to tell them. We all need to train for what's coming. Apparently this mission is just a practice.
T: What are you saying?
B: The world might be in danger.
Bo: We have to stop it don't we?
B: *nods* We need to start train-
???: *screams*
The girls run downstairs to find the guys on the floor in pain with smoke coming from their backs.
T: *gasps* Oh my god what happened?
G: *grunts* I don't know. We were all sitting here then next thing you know we got burned. Ahh!
B: There is smoke coming from your back. *lifts up Kenneth's shirt* Oh my god.
Bo: What?
T: Your powers are burned on your backs.
S: What powers?
B: When I was in the bathroom, I was talking to someone in my mind and I told him that I looked into your souls and saw that you guys also had powers.
K: Why do we have powers now?
T: The world might be in danger soon and we are the only ones who could save it.
B: The voice that I heard kept on saying "1,2,3,4,5 your out". I don't know what that means.
G: *sits up* So what are our powers?
T: You have healing.
S: Awesome. Nurse Gabe to the rescue. *laughs*
G: *punches Sean in the arm* Shut up.
S: Ow! What's mine?
Bo: Sound.
S: Cool.
B: Kenneth?
K: Yea?
B: You have super scream.
K: Nice.
B: Now that you guys know, we need to practice.
S: Where?
Doorbell rings.
B: I'll get it. *opens the door* Hm. *grabs the package*. Mails here.
G: What did you order?
B: Nothing. *opens the box* Woah.
K: What is it?
B: It looks like a tape recorder.
T/Bo: Turn it on!
B: Ok ok. *laughs* *turns on the tape recorder*
*on the tape recorder* Hello 6 Aces. You six have been chosen to help save the world. You have been given a practice mission to help you prepare for the real thing. But for right now, you will need to train before you can face your practice mission. We will be sending you to a state-of-the-art training facility where heroes like you can learn to control your powers. You will sent there tomorrow. Have fun 6 Aces.
B: 6 Aces?
T: Looks like we have a team name already. *laughs*
Bo: So we have to train for a practice mission which is help reverse the actions that these assholes did?
K: Sounds like it.
B: Shit. I completely forgot about that. Thank you for reminding me Boogie. I knew that you guys were here for a reason or else I would've beat you until you guys left my house.
G: *laughs*
B: I'm not kidding. *glares at them*
The guys get scared.
Bo/T: *laughs*
K: What do we do now?
B: Wait.
G: We could play a game?
Bo: What?
S: Truth or dare.
T: Sure.
They all get in a circle.
B: Sean since you suggested the game you get asked first. Truth or dare?
S: Dare.
B: *glances at Boogie* I dare you to play seven seconds in heaven with Boogie.
S/Bo: WHAT?!
T/K/G: *laughs*
Bo: Bailey no. Please no.
B: Do you want another dare Sean?
S: Um yea!
B: *smirks* Fine your pass is that you have to run around the neighborhood.
S: That's easy.
B: Naked.
S: *gets shocked* Excuse my what was that?
B: Run around the neighborhood naked.
S: *grabs Boogie's arm* Lets go.
B: *stands up* Ugh fine. Fuck you Bailey. *looks back and winks*
B: *winks back* I love life.
In the closet-
Bo: Let's get this over with.
S: You sure?
Bo: I'm sure. *gulps*
S: *leans in*
Bo: leans in*
S: *kisses Boogie and wraps his arms around her waist*
Bo: *kisses back and wraps her arms around me his neck*
In the living room-
T: How long has it been?
B: 10 minutes. *giggles*
K: Let's go get them before Sean makes another baby.
B: Good calls.
They go to the closet door.
B: *whispers* Three. Two. One. *opens the door* *giggles*
T: Can you guys stop?
Bo: *pulls away* Um how long has it been?
K: 10 minutes.
S: *walks out* Ok. Let's continue the game.
Bo: *walks out as well* Yea. *scratches the back of her neck*
S: Um Tati truth or dare?
T: Truth.
S: Is it true that you like someone in this room? Is so who?
T: Yes, Kenneth. *looks down and blushes*
K: *blushes*
B: *gets jealous but hides it* Tati your turn.
T: Bailey truth or dare?
B: Dare?
T:  I dare you to sit on your crush's lap, if he's here for 30 seconds.
B: Easy. *walks over to Gabe and sits on his lap* Hey Gabe.
G: Hey Bailey. *winks at her*
B: *rolls her eyes playfully* Your cute.
G: *runs his fingers through is hair* I know.
B: *kisses Gabe*
G: *is surprised but kisses back*
T: *clears throat* Its been 30 seconds.
B: *gets off and sits back in her spot*.
Bo: *notices what was happening between Bailey and Tati* I think that's enough for today.
S: Yea. I'm going home. Night guys.
K: Same here. You coming Gabe?
G: Yea night guys.
They guys leave.
Bo: What the hell is going on between you guys?
B/T: Nothing.
Bo: Stop with the lies.
B: I like Gabe.
T: I like Kenneth.
Bo: That's it?
B: Yep.
Bo: Fine. I'm going home. Don't kill each other.
T: We won't.
Boogie leaves.
T: You are such a bitch.
B: I could say the same for you.

Shoutout to belaijaisamazing for helping choose the name for the squad.
Hope you guys enjoyed this part.
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Love ya😘

You Can't Reverse The Past (Third part of It Happens series) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now