Chapter Two

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Among the green rolling hills of the shire lay a hobbit quietly reading, around his curly hair white flowers were scattered across the grass giving colour to the endless sea of green. In the distance a gentle clip clop of a horse and cart could be heard, growing louder and louder as it grew near, bringing with it the humming of a deep familiar voice. With a start the young Hobbit sits up, his blue eyes wide with excitement, it took only a moment for the young Frodo Baggins to stumble to his feet taking off into a run.


Meanwhile on a long leafy lane a wooden cart rattles along, driven by a stooped figure in grey. By his side a large cat lay wound into the wizard's grey cloak hidden almost completely from view as it slept under the clear blue skies of summer, the gentle rock of their cart having long since lulled her to sleep. A long spotted tail was one of the few areas visible swinging back and forth to the rhythm of the road. 

"You're Late" spoke a figure above the cart, on the bank stood Frodo a serious look upon his face, his arms crossed.

"A Wizard is never late, Frodo Baggins, nor is he early. He arrives precisely when he means to."

The two look at each other for a moment  before starting to laugh. Frodo's face breaks into a smile as he leaps onto the front seat of the cart disturbing the sleeping bundle as he embraces the wizard. "It's wonderful to see you, Gandalf!"

"You didn't think we would miss your Uncle Bilbo's birthday? Calypso is looking forward to tonight's festivities." Gandalf's cloak began to untangle before a rounded head covered in a spotted coat of fur popped out from beneath the grey fabric, the cheetah blinked her eyes slowly turning her sleepy gaze between that of Frodo and her master, "Hello again pup" Calypso stood in her spot between the two figures shaking off the remainder of the fabric revealing her slender body and long thin legs before jumping into the back of the cart, her tail brushing under the young hobbits chin in an affectionate manner. ""I'm here for the food, I'm a hobbit at heart you see"

"There's a hobbit in you alright however whether it's in your heart or stomach is up for debate", a huff escaped the felines lips as she stomped her front paw in a dramatic fashion, "honestly that was one time, you nibble on one hobbits toes and the whole Shire is against you. He's skill alive isn't he? still up to his mischief? if anything a few missing toes would have been appraised"

"Alright, alright no need to get your tail in a knot. Now, what news of the outside world? Tell me everything!"

Gandalf looks down at Frodo, a twinkle visible in his eye. "What, everything? Far too eager and curious for a Hobbit. Most unnatural..." "Yes," agreed the feline with a smile, "most unnatural."

The old wooden cart rattles onwards over a stone bridge towards the bustling Marketplace where Hobbits flitted about collecting their wares, many look up in wonder and excitement as the three rolled onwards towards the Green Dragon where scores of Hobbits set themselves the task of preparing the party field for the big night. Tents were erected, chairs set and banners hung in celebration for Bilbo Baggins 111th Birthday, a milestone for any hobbit.

"Well, what can I tell you? Life in the wide world goes on much as it has this past age-" "painfully slow" remarked the feline to the young hobbit, the two sharing a look as the wizard continues on unfazed,"-Full of its own comings and goings, scarcely even aware of the existence of Hobbits... for which I am very thankful."

"Ah, the long expected party. So, how is the old rascal? I hear it's going to be a Party of Special magnificence."

"You know Bilbo...he's got the whole place in an uproar."

"Oh, well...that should please him." "Half the Shire's been invited." "Good gracious, me." "He's up to something." Frodo stated shooting Gandalf a knowing look as the wizard averted his eyes, "Oh, really?"

"Alright then. Keep your secrets. But I'll have you know that before you two came along we Bagginses were very well thought of." "Indeed?"

"Never had any adventures or did anything unexpected, and we most certainly didn't associate with magical talking creatures"

"If you're referring to the incident with the Dragon...we were barely involved...all we did was give your Uncle a little nudge out the door."

"Whatever you've both been officially labeled as Disturbers of the Peace."

"Oh, really?" "mmmm... Calypso Disturber of the Peace, I quite like that title"

As the wooden cart continues to rattle into the small village of Hobbiton the villages true beauty began to unfold, Calypso had always been amazed by Hobbit homes, neat burrows dug deep into the grassy hillside reminding the feline almost of a badger hole if it wasn't for the round front doors and cute gardens. A quaint rustic village nestled amongst rolling green hills and large trees, it never failed to act as a reminder for her own home, a place very far away. While the feline gazed across the plains of Hobbiton she spotted Odo Proudfoot outside his front door hunched over his broomstick as he watches the cart pass by, a look of suspicious etched across his face

A group of children ran down from the nearby field chasing after the cart crying out for Gandalf in excited voices waiting for something magical to happen, however much to their dismay Gandalf ignores the children's cries and continues to lead the cart along the long leafy road leaving the children standing deflated watching Gandalf disappear up the lane. Calypso Jumped once more into the front seat between the pair nudging the wizard with her paw, "Gandalf play fair." Spinning balls of bright light in every colour suddenly leap out from under the cover in the back, fizzing over the head of the delighted children. Not even Proudfoot could suppress a chuckle as he watched the scene unfold.

Soon after Frodo stands up in the cart as Gandalf reigns in the horse. "Gandalf... I'm glad you're back." Frodo states before leaping expertly from the cart. Gandalf smiles as he continues onwards towards a very familiar hobbit hole in the distance.

"So am I, dear am I"


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