The fight was quickly broken up and Amun was pushed in the direction of the locker room; a pissed expression gracing his face.

Sarye immediately jumped up with Mahogany to follow him. Mahogany had rarely seen her son angry so she was appalled. This was so unlike him.

Their coach saw the two ladies walking in the same direction as him and let them through.

When they walked into the locker room he was seated next to his locker with the same scowl on his face as before.

"What has gotten into you? Coach called me saying you're missing practice, you didn't show up to pysch class yesterday, and you were late boarding the bus today. You've never missed class. You got something you wanna tell me?"

"Nah." He said with no emotion.

Mahogany cocked her head back at his tone. It was taking everything to not slap the taste out of his mouth.

"Sarye talk some sense into this boy before I slap the hell out of him. I'm going to go see if you're still on the team." She took one last look at her son, who's face was looking toward the floor and shook her head, walking out of the room.

Sarye looked around not knowing what to say. She had been ignoring Amun ever since the situation happened, causing this moment to be more than awkward.

"So you just gon' stand there and look stupid?"

Sarye's head snapped in his direction, taken aback by his words.

"What the hell do you want me to say?"

"Oh I don't know. Maybe "How are you?" or "I'm sorry I've been ignoring your texts and calls."

"This isn't about me. It's about you. What happened out there?"

"That nigga been testing me all game. So I gave him what he was looking for."

"How has he been testing you?"

"First at the start of my game this nigga slapped the fuck outta my hand, then, he bumped my shoulder twice, and commented that he would fuck my mama. I wasn't going out."

"Welp. I wanna sound inspirational, but I would've beat dude ass too. He did too much." He chuckled and his smile went away as quick as it came.

"You been busy?" He spoke curiously.


"Then why have my calls gone unanswered?"

"You know why.."

"Nah I don't. Why don't you enlighten me." He said rising from the bench and stepping closer to her.

"I didn't know what to say. I was-."

"Running away from your problems as usual. Don't trip, I'm used to it already."

"I wasn't runn-."

"Is that yo' thing? Running the fuck away? I swear that's all you do."

"I didn't wanna complicate things. I love you and you love me so why do we have to be in a relationship to show that?"

"Because what's the point of being in love if you can't even share it with that person? You're mine Sarye, and you were since I saw you."

"Amun..." Sarye sighed as his long arms wrapped around her waist.

"Don't over think baby..just let it happen." He dipped his head down taking her into a knee-weakening kiss. Holding held her up as her knees buckled.

"You mine?"


"Say it for me."


"Just once."

"I'm yours Amun."

"I love you baby." He grinned widely pecking her forehead.

"I love you too." She said letting herself fall further into his strong arms.


PUB: 10/11/16

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