Chapter 10

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I stand in a grand hallway, elaborate paintings cover every the walls, decorating them with faces, landscapes, and various images. My footsteps echo as I move slowly down the hall. Though I know I have walked down these halls many times before, this is the time I truly take in each detail. I pass a servant girl but don't bother saying a word to her.

The familiar halls are both known and unknown. I know I have grown up in a nice home, with a nice family. However I now stare at everything with new eyes, my current ones. I have all of this past version's memories, I know all she knew. My name was Hadley in this life time, I met Ryker not too long ago, but already I have developed deep feelings for him. It is him I am on my way to see now.

This dream- this memory, is unlike the other. In this dream I am living the life of my former self, I am experiencing all that I have before, instead of being an outside force. However, the odd thing is I can't speak or say anything. This is another memory of a past life, that explains why I cannot do anything. I cannot change the past, I am nearly experiencing what has already played out centuries ago.

In some sense then I am simply watching just like in the previous dreams, but I can feel everything this time, I can feel the soft texture of the paintings as I run my fingertips over them, I can feel each footstep I take. I can feel the racing of my heart as thoughts of seeing Ryker tonight flood my head.

I walk towards the main entrance of my home. A man stands near the door. "Good evening Ms. Hadley," He says kindly, lowering his head to me slightly.

"Please get my coat, Kalveth," I say kindly. He quickly does so and hands me a soft fur coat from a nearby hook. I take it from him and slip it on. "Inform my father I have left, he is already aware of my plans for this evening." With that I step out of the door after Kalveth opens it for me. He closes it softly after I step through.

I walk down the dirt path that leads away from my house. Horse tracks from the well warn path can be seen as I walk along it. Once I reach the end of my pathway I turn and look back at my large home.

"You look lovely, Hadley," I hear a soft voice say. I turn to see Ryker standing near me. He must have been here awaiting me. I feel myself smile as I practically fling myself into his awaiting arms. It's clear to me even now that I truly loved him in this life time.

"I've missed you," I say with my face against his chest, my voice coming out slightly muffled as a result of that. I wrap my slender arms around him, embracing him tightly. I try to search through Hadley's- well my memories. I want to find out where this life is located; I want to know all about who I was in this life.

My father in this life is a very wealthy man. I was born in the Kingdom of Bromore, but my father relocated my family to Shadowbrook a few months earlier... I encountered Ryker Almost immediately after arriving here.

Ryker chuckles as he wraps his arms around me tightly, pulling me closer to him. "I've missed you too Hadley... Would you like to come with me somewhere? I have a special place I want to show you."

"Yes, I would love to go, come let's be off." He clasps my hand in his, our fingers lacing together naturally. As we I notice something in the distance a little further down the road. My home is situated away from most of the busy areas of the city. As we near the object my eyes had spotted I begin to realize what it is. A horse pulling a small carriage, I look to Ryker with a confused glance.

"The place I'm taking you to is a long while away and I don't want you to tire yourself out so early on in the evening. I want you to conserve your strength, tonight is a very special night." Ryker offers his hand to me with a secretive smile upon his lips. He helps me into the carriage after he had gotten in himself. I hesitantly accept his hand and allow him to pull me inside. "Do you trust me, Hadley?" He asks softly as he commands the horses to start walking.

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