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It has been years since I last saw them, him, her. Whatever they are now. I'm, of course, talking about my soulmate. Saying we got seperated wouldn't be a lie but it wouldn't be the full truth either. It was more than just that. I died. Simple as that. They did too of course, or so I assume. Last I saw them they were male. A doctor if I'm not mistaken. It was back in 1911 and also the last time I was a woman.

You're probably getting confused by now. Let me explain. I'm not normal but I suppose that was a no brainer by now. I've died more times than I'd like to admit and been reborn just as many times. That's not the strange thing though. Death is a normal thing for the body, the soul just carries on and finds a new body to inhabit. However my soul is a bit strange in the fact that it remembers my previous lives. Yes, you heard that right. My little brain has a lot to process once they all flood up there.

I don't have the memories automatically. It's not like I'm born and then I'm some kind of super baby who can solve difficult math problems at the age of two minutes. No. That's not how it works unfortunately.

I don't even know how it works fully but I do have my theories. First I should explain exactly though. It's a bit difficult but hang with me, alright? You see, my counciousness that I am currently explaining this with is dormant. All of these thoughts don't happen inside my head but instead in my soul. And because I don't have the second piece of my soul (my soulmate) with me, it can't transfer to my brain. That's just my theory though.

Me, the soul itself, can see everything going on in the outside world but I can't actually do anything to control my bodies actions. I am very much part of it and I am in the back of the bodies mind constantly but I can't control my body. Unless I have my soulmate.

In the many life times I remember, I have only truly connected with the body after my soulmate has been found and a connection of some sort has been made. This has been rather difficult. I've always known when I see my soulmate who they are but... I could never do anything but cheer my body on and hope it would actually listen to the nagging little voice in the back of its mind.

That little voice being me of course. I sometimes can get a small order in. I can't directly control my body but I can influence the minds decisions. Such as planting the idea of going to the library instead of eating at a fast food restaurant with some friends. Then it's just up to the mind itself to choose.

As I said, it's a bit complicated, but please hang in there.

My soulmate has always preffered taking on male bodies but there have been rare occasions when they appeared as a female. I prefer female bodies but the last two lives I've had have been in mens bodies, neither of those lives have I been connected to the body. One of the life times was rather short. Murdered. But that's what happens. To be fair my body had become a bit uncontrollable. I had become impatient to meet my soulmate again and ended up giving too many ideas. The mind hadn't been able to take it and finally it had snapped and became a crazed man.

He was murdered by something or someone. The memory is a bit fuzzy since I hadn't been connected. But I should stop rambling now. You probably want to hear who I am now right? Well, currently, my body is sitting at the breakfeast table in my two room flat. My name this time around is (Y/N) (L/N) and I'm around twentythree years old. I just moved to a new town to start my job as a cleaning lady at the local hospital and today is the first day on the job.

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