"Are you ready to go?" Kristoff smiled. She eagerly nodded her head, making her pigtails shake everywhere. They hopped into their car and drove to the restaurant, listening to her sing about about being under the sea.

~Merida and Hiccup~
"Where's my little birthday girl? I'm going ta gobble her up." Merida teased as she walked around the table. "Come out ya wee devil. I'm going ta get you." She smiled as she peeked under the table cloth, only to find no one there. "Where are you ya wee rascal?" Merida teased as she heard giggling behind the door. Merida opened the door to reveal a little redhead with evergreen eyes.

"Mum!" She screamed. Merida quickly picked her up and pretended to eat her as she happily giggled. Soon, the door slammed shut and Hiccup walked into the kitchen.

"Hey Hiccup, how was work?" Merida smiled as the little girl ran to her father. Hiccup dropped his folders onto the counter and smiled at his wife sitting on the floor.

"Daddy!" Melissa smiled as Hiccup picked her up. She gave him a huge hug, loving her father. She was always a daddy's girl.

"Hi Melissa! Has your birthday been fun so far?" Hiccup greeted the little girl as he bopped her nose. He loved his two red headed girls with all his heart. His favorite part of the day was coming home to them.

"Yeah! Me and mum played a monster game and made a cake." She exclaimed. She was full of energy. She could blabber on and on all day.

"Did you? Well, tonight we're going out to go eat so you better get changed." Hiccup smiled as he placed her on the floor. She immediately sped away.

"Yeah! I'm getting chicken nuggets!" She cheered as she ran down the hall to her room, her curly red hair bouncing behind her. She jumped as high as could as she entered her room.

"Why are we goin' out ta eat?" Merida questioned as she crossed her arms. Hiccup knew she wasn't one for fancy dinners. Merida would much rather feed her children home cooked meals. It was healthy than takeout.

"That five year anniversary thing." Hiccup explained. They got an email about a month ago, but he figured Merida forgot by now.

"That's right! Well, eye better go get ready then." Merida smiled as she walked back to their bedroom. She had to at least look somewhat different.

Elsa was standing inside the restaurant, waiting for one of the friends to show up. She just prayed that the first one wouldn't be Jack. Eventually, she saw a blonde carrying a baby carrier followed by two boys. When they opened the doors, Elsa realized it was Rapunzel and Eugene. "Elsa!" Rapunzel cried as she brought her into a hug.

"Hey Rap! I didn't recognize you with your blonde hair!" Elsa smiled. She was so happy to see one of her best friends again. She hadn't seen Rapunzel in years.

"Yeah, I dyed it back to its natural color around, maybe Bastian's second birthday?" Rapunzel questioned as she looked at Eugene for help. Eugene shrugged his shoulders as the boys jumped around him.

"Sounds about right." Eugene chuckled.

"Anyways, enough about me. I heard you got a new store up in Stanzburg. Congrats!" Rapunzel smiled as a little boy tugged on her dress. Rapunzel ignored it and listened to Elsa talk about her pride and joy. Eventually, the begging became too loud.

"Momma!" He cried. He wanted her to pay attention to him.

"Yes Zach?" Rapunzel replied as she bent down to his level. She wanted to treat her kids with respect. They had feelings too.

"Who's that lady?" He tried to whisper, meaning everyone could hear it.

"That's my friend, Elsa." Rapunzel introduced as she pointed to her. Zach smiled and looked up at her. He thought she was very pretty.

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