Chapter 3: Girls Night Out Part 2

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Here is the next chapter.....  I......  umm..... I don't know what to say. How was your day?.... I have no idea what to say.

Naruto: Hey Adri why don't you do the disclaimer?

Me: Oh that's not a bad idea. How about you do it.

Naruto: Sure why not. *clears throat* AdriWaterGirl51 does not own 'Naruto' or the characters. We belong to Masashi Kishimoto.

Me: Yeah I don't own Naruto. He belongs to Hinata. *evil smirk*

Naruto: *blushes ten shades of red* I-I-I umm!

Me: Hahahaha!!! But I'm not wrong. Tell me I'm wrong.

Naruto: ..... *mumbles* she's right.

Me: See! Anyways let's get to the story shall we?

Hinata's POV:
Location: Ino's living room

Ino had gotten out of the bathroom and greeted Sakura the same way she did me. We were about to head out until a thought had crossed my mind.

"Wait, you guys need to show me those papers", I say. "Oh that's right!", Sakura exclaims.

"Do you have it Sakura?", Ino asks Sakura and she replies by simply noding.

"Okay so Hinata", Ino says as she grabs her paper, "Sakura and I made a list of ships of friends of ours that are in the agency", she continues.

"I'll go first, so my ships are..." Sakura says and reads her list out loud.

Sakura's list:
Naruto-Sasuke (XD)

"I don't even need to show you my list, we have the same ones", Ino says while I'm just sitting here with a face matching Sasuke's tomato lunch.

"So Hinata like my OTP?", Sakura asks me while looking at me with a cheeky smirk.

"I-I-I-I u-u-m!", I have no words! She is shipping me with the man I've been deeply in love with for most of my life! How does she expect me to speak?!

"My turn!", Ino says. Although hers wasn't that different from Sakura's.

Ino's list:
Neji x Tenten
Sasuke x Sakura
Chouji x Karui
Kiba x Tamaki
Sasuke x Naruto (:P)
      Naruto x Hinata

"................", I......... I have no words. But I'm pretty sure my face is about crimson right now.

"Okay, let's just head out.", Sakura says and I use this as an advantage to forget all that happened.

"Yes please! We don't want to end up leaving at midnight, hehe", I say and we all go to Ino's car. For the entire ride we made small talk and catching up. Ino Was driving us to the plaza since it's November and there are less Rinne Festival sales. Sakura can't look at much Rinne Festival sales areas without rambling l about how they start putting them out on November 1st when the Rinne Festival is in 20's of December. This is a night to have fun not to hear Sakura ramble.

The Rinne Festival is what they refer to as Christmas in Naruto. So I thought it would make sense if I call it the Rinne Festival and not Christmas. Watch 'The Last: Naruto the Movie' (MY ALL TIME FAVORITE MOVIE) since the Rinne Festival is the setting in time for the movie.]

When we arrived Ino immediately took us shopping. Ino was practically dragging us, especially me because I was a little slow, from store to store existing each one with at least three or four bags. Typical Ino.

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