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Eyes fluttering. The beaming rays of the suns' rays kissed the creases upon my face. A soft, cool breeze moved along from the vintage shaped balcony doors, the sublime view from our home of the last few months could easily be seen from a couple of steps away. Andrew let escape a muffled moan from beside me. As I lingered between the satin sheets, the smell of perfume and the summery, crisp air of the Italian summer filled the homely room. The passion and the allure of the previous night had consumed my mind as I gently slid my body up against Andrew's, who was peacefully beginning to awake from his slumber.

It had felt like only yesterday when we first touched down in the small but beautiful city of Crema. After the final verdict of the courts to hand Derrick his sentence, it had become clear to everybody that I was extremely overwhelmed by the entire court procedure; which lead to Andrew and I booking in a private appointment with Clementine, who surprisingly suggested a trip somewhere together might resolve not just the emotions from the recent court decison, but so too the recent struggled faced within our relationship. At first I was apprehensive about leaving aside my work but after having a conversation with Gemma, I was convinced that a trip just might be the thing to help relieve the stresses I had grown to adjust to.

In all honesty, Italy was the last place either of us had expected to find ourselves in but since spending the time having some time to recover, it was one of the best opportunties I had decided to take on. It had felt as if the two of us were starting fresh, slowly becoming introduced to each others' sides that we hadn't previously met before. Gazing up to the ceiling above me, a smile crept upon my face as the memories we had shared filtered through my mind. 

Riding bikes through the city enriched with vibrant Italian history. Indulging in gentle dances underneath the vibrant fingers of the moonlight. Serenity filled walks along the seaside; every memory created in the Italian city had given me a sense of sublime that I hadn't ever experienced before. Every waking moment spent here had made forget for a brief moment about all the choas I had been forced to endure. I was free to enjoy life. I was free to engage in the happiness that I had wanted to experience for a long time now.

Thinking back to the time I had in Italy, everything about this beautiful place made me wanted to spend the rest of my life here. Everything about the serenity and peacefullness appelled to me in many more ways than Melbourne did. As much as I did love my hometown, there was a whole lot that Crema had offered me that I knew I wouldn't ever be able to find within Melbourne. It was also difficult to think about going home since that would mean leaving the family we had been living with. With all the memories filling my mind, I became distracted by the warmth felt from Andrew's arm. I gazed into his chocolate coloured eyes and let out a wide smile.

"Good morning beautiful." His voice spoke aloud, my heart slightly picking up its pace as his tone sung a tender, husky tone.

"Good morning my love." I spoke back, receving a cheesy grin from the Canadian teenager beside me.

The sun had lifted it's fingers against my face as I became ignited by the radiant strands of light upon my skin. No alarms had rung, the jovial tunes of the birds outside echoed, as the tiny creatures had continued to sing their song of awakence. In this moment I had felt at ease. Laying against Andrew's torso felt like a picture perfect moment that could never be erased from my memory.

It was an unfamilar feeling. To think that months ago I was still trying to adjust with beginning a new life with the Canadian teenager. I had to confess that prior to our time in Italy, I was hesitant in seeing a future for the both of us. After the loss of our child I had struggled to see if the two of us would be able to get into a relationship that both of us had wanted certaintly. But the more I had spent time with Andrew, it had felt like I was slowly falling in love with the quirky footballer all over again. Whilst we hadn't yet made it clear that we were past the stages of seeing where things would lead us, deep down it had felt like we were soon going to become an actual couple.

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