Our lifes.

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We were finally and officially someplace in Detroit. I'm not gonna lie, it was ratchet, ghetto, and scary looking. Like a place where they wouldn't hesitate to shoot 2 bullets up your ass. I was kinda frightened, but eh I have all these brothers to defend me. By the way I only live with my 4 brothers and 2 sisters. Short description;

Jenny - She's 23 years old. When she was in school she was pretty popular. Honestly she's so beautiful, all these guys are always hitting on her. But she isn't much of a dating girl so she'll just ignore them. Also she's so outgoing. Let's say she's goals.

Kathy - She's 19 years old. She's still in high school. She's always skipping and getting in trouble so she only has 16 credits. She still needs 10 more. She's always smoking weed and drinking. Always going to party's and clubs. Changing boyfriends like I change my underwear.

Isaiah - He's 22 years old. Oldest of all the guys. He's very responsible when it comes to protect us all. He has a fucked up lifestyle though. Unfortunately he's a drug dealer. Which he got from my dad. He's always doing his business, but when he isn't he's with us, his family.

Johnathan - He's 18 years old. Still in high school also. He's currently a senior. He's a popular jock too. He's such a player, which is annoying as hell. Why can't guys just be faithful. Well he's always partying just like Kathy. But he doesn't drink or smoke, which I'm glad of.

Anthony - He's my twin. We're currently 17 years old. He's just like Kathy or worse. Always skipping school, smoking weed, hooking up with any girl that gets in his way. He barely even comes home. He's always stealing, I don't know why can't he just look for an honorable job.

Joshua - He's 15 years old, going on 16. He's a sophmore in high school. He's very intelligent, he's a nerdy popular guy I guess. His grades are as good as mines, and I'm talking about 90's. He's only popular because of Anthony though. Since Anthony carries him as his wingman, or invites him to go with his stupid friends. I bet if he didn't have Anthonys' influence, he'll be just like me.

Now me, I'm not anything like any of them. Maybe the only thing I share in common with Joshua is that we're both smart. And what I have in common with the others is that we have the same petty dad. By the way our dad is Puerto Rican. Our moms are all hispanic too, except for Kathy and Joshua. Kathys' mom is white, and Joshuas' mom is black. Also we're all half-brothers. I guess every year he decided it was time for a new child, and unfortunately we all don't have the best mothers either.

Long story short, our dad is rich out of drug dealing and chose the vulnerable women there was to have kids with. For example my mom is a prostitute, to give you an idea of what "vulnerable" moms I'm talking about. He stayed with the kids that he could stay with. Also it's rumored we have many more other half brothers and sisters just from our dad. But we don't really want to meet them. But anyways 5 years ago my dad left for a "trip" and never came back. Leaving us alone. He just sent a postcard saying there was money in the basement for us. It was 20k in cash we had already used half when my older brother and sister started to work. Every now and then we hear from him, supposly he's always traveling.

The reason I think this has something to do with my dad is because supposly he left to keep us out of danger, because of some mafia shit. And maybe just maybe that's the reason we're moving, because we were in danger. I guess I'll find out one way or another.

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