Chapter 1

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Becky wakes up to the sound of someone entering her room. She sleepily looked at the alarm clock on her nightstand to see it was 3am. Damn it, Raphael! Becky moans and sits up in bed when she feels the mattress sink next to her when Raph lays down. She runs her fingers through her messy hair and smiles at the half sleeping red banded turtle next to her, his eyes half close.

"Hey..." Becky yawned.

"Sup?" Raph exchanged the yawn.

Becky stood up and began to change as she continued talking.

"Out late AGAIN?"


Becky stopped to stare at Raph as he turned to his side to get comfortable. Becky cleared her throat.

"'ve been going out like this for almost TWO weeks now. Mind telling me where you ACTUALLY run off to?"


"Should I be worried?"


"Are you seeing somebody?"

"Ha! No."

Becky slams her hair brush onto her desk. "See? You're not communicating with me! It's like I don't know you anymore!"

"Can we argue about this some other time? I'm kind of tired."

"YOU'RE tired?! I'M the one whose tired! I'm tired of staying up late WAITING for YOU to come home and sometimes you don't even come back and I have to sleep on the damn couch! I'm tired of waking up early every morning to your GROUCHY self and then you go to sleep and not talk to me! We barely see each other anymore because you decide to play nocturnal! You don't even have TIME for me anymore!"

Raph was quiet which made Becky fume. Did he fall asleep on her?! But he didn't. He was just in deep thought before speaking out.

"Beats sitting in HERE all day. What do YOU even do when I'm not around?"

Becky paled and stared down at her hands for a moment before sticking her nose in the air, rudely.

"Nowhere! You're right! I do nothing! But you STILL worry me!"

"You know what I think?" Raph snapped before sitting up in bed and glaring at Becca, "I think we're having a hard time communicating with each other because we keep our own little secrets to ourselves!"

"Really?! Because I think it's because you don't talk to me!!!"

"Fine! I'll talk! So, WHAT DO YOU DO WHEN I'M NOT AROUND?!"

Becky was furious, "That is none of your business!"

"See?! Then I don't have to tell you what I do!"



Raph laid back down and turned his face away from Becky, pretending to fall asleep. Becky calms down and continues getting dressed, thinking this battle isn't over. Ever since Leo left a month ago, Mikey started a Birthday Party business, Donnie a phone line, Becca mysteriously disappearing during the day, and Raph sneaking off at night. Becky sighs. Everyone is just trying to get use to each other after all that's happen. Maybe Becky is gonna have to get use to Raph sneaking out and not talk to her. But what kind of boyfriend NOT talks to her? Will she have to break up with him if he continues doing this? No. Becky trusts him. Sometimes Master Splinter thinks she trusts him a little TOO much. She's barely angry with him. But they fight a lot. She's just way too fragile with him. Maybe she has to play 'hard to get' in order for Raph to even LOOK at her.

Becky shakes her thoughts away and walks over to Raph's side of the bed, as he slowly falls into a deep sleep. She leans down and gently kisses his green cheek, him trying not to notice. She whispered in his ear, her hushed voice sad.

"Don't sleep in too late."

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