Chapter XVI

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Isla slept in the room with him all night, her arms leaning gently into the bed and her head resting on them softly. The next morning her love woke up he didn't know where he was and couldn't quite recall what happened. Instead of calling for Isla he called for Elizabeth, this broke the poor girls heart. She let his hand go and was about to walk out when he looked at her and called her Elizabeth once more. "Ross I'm not her." She said she then walked out but Elizabeth soon skipped into the room.

"I did try to warn you Isla." She sneered and went into his room. Isla was left speechless, she wandered the halls of Trenwith, her head spinning her thoughts were chaotic. She felt her back gently make contact with that of a wooden table it seemed to steady her, she was sure she would pass out soon till George spied her in the hall he could see she was distressed, she rested a hand on her head before she knew what happened his hands were at her waist supporting her, keeping her up right.

"Th...Thank you." She wheezed.

"You look a little pale perhaps you should sit." He suggested to her. Isla allowed him to take her arm and lead her into the drawing room where she sat on an arm chair. He rested a hand on his cheek. "What is it?" He asked, to Islas eyes George was in fact Ross.

"Why did you betray me?" She asked grief stricken but unaware.

"What are you talking about?" George asked his voice laced with confusion.

"You chose Elizabeth over me!" She exclaimed, her tears making themselves present.

"Isla, you're..." He stopped, realising that he could take advantage of the poor girl. "I didn't you're imagining things, my love." her hand dropped and so he rested his hand on her face, caressing her youthful skin and wiping her tears away with his thumb, she leant into his touch. "But love I promise I shall never leave you." He said leaning in to kiss her.

"George stop! Can't you see she's distressed?! Perhaps she's better off at home." Elizabeth insisted. Isla found herself nodding slowly.

"I'll escort her." George said. He gently took Islas hand and he lead her outside, both of them walking the cliffs, to Isla he was still Ross and not George. He had his arm wrapped around her waist it was tight and she was pressed into his side, almost in a protective manner. They soon reached the house, George opened the door for her. She went straight to her room collapsing on the bed, she seemed to be a shell of her former self. As soon as she lay on the bed that was when the tears began to flow, they dribbled down her cheeks and onto the bed sheets soaking them.

She lay on her front the pillow muffling her cries of pain. George stood at the doors threshold, he sat on the bed. "Everything will be fine." He said rubbing her back gently.

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