Chapter VIIII

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Ross began to spiral downwards, he drank most of the days by. Isla couldn't remember the last time he was sober.

It had got so bad that Isla was forced to contact Ross' sister.

Isla was in the field tending the crops, when an elegant, ebony shining Friesian came cantering into the courtyard of the Poldark residence. Jud took the horse by the reins as the girl dismounted. "Well Jessminta its been along time" he greeted her.

Isla walked over to the girl "I came as soon as I received your letter" Jess said to Isla. "How is he?" She quizzed her.

"Not good" Isla replied.

The girl strided into the house with such class and elegance, her long black dress dragged on the floor behind her, with her black velvet cloak, her pale skin was framed with a sea of jet black waves which fell down her back, and to Isla seemed like it didn't stop, but the top layer of her hair had been fastened with a crimson red ribbon, she wore a black and ruby encrusted chocker around her neck as if she was hiding something, she wore matching earrings.

"Ross" Jess called.

"I think he's in his office" Isla answered showing her to his office, the door opened with a creak, Ross had his head on the desk as if though he was asleep.

"What do you want?" He slurred addressing his sister.

"You to stop drinking, get out of this house and sort things out with the family. Your lover had to write to me just to get you here" His sister told him and snatched the bottle away from him.

"They won't listen" He replied drunkly.

"They may, but if you don't leave and come with me now, I will go by myself" She told him sternly. Jessminta rushed from Ross' office to her fidgeting steed who was waiting outside, Ross raced up after her.

"I will come with you" he slurred stumbling over to her.

"Sober up and then meet me at their mansion" she said pushing him away from her.

The eager steed galloped to the great mansion and came to a walk as it elegantly padded to the entrance. A stable boy took her horse and she didn't bother knocking, she just walked straight in to the house.

"Jessminta!" Elizabeth exclaimed.

"It always has been a pleasure to see you" Francis addressed her.

"More sarcasm cousin" she spat like a cobra attacking her prey. "Now, hear me out before any of speak. You can't just banish my brother from your thoughts, lives or this house. He is in love and he can love who ever he wants. While I am still around you treat my brother with respect, if not, well I guess you will have to answer to me!" Sje threatened before leaving, as she didn't need to hear their response.

As Jessminta mounted her steed and trot back to Ross' residence she rode past a carriage pulling in which Charles was sat, she just looked beyond him before cantering off.

She got back and dismounted her horse who Jud took, while she walked into the house taking her leather gloves off. Isla just came out of their bedroom shutting the door behind her. "How is he?" Jessminta inquired.

"Sleeping his foolishness off" Isla replied. "Come join me in the living room, we'll have tea" she added. Jessminta nodded and sat in an armchair facing the fire, Isla began to do some embroidery while talking to Ross' sister.

"So where did you travel from?" Isla inquired.

"Paris" Jess answered taking a sip from her tea.

"I see you're married, do you have any children?" she questioned her.

"I see you have noticed the gold band. I was married but he died when he fought along side with Ross in the war, leaving me widowed with a son and a daughter. Ross tried his best to protect him but in the end his wounds took him." Jess explained staring out of the window.

"What's the names of your children?" Isla quizzed her.

"Michael after his father, and Lucinda named after our mother" Jess replied.

Ross strode in with his broody walk and expression but sat next to Isla. "I helped her raise those two children." he told Isla kissing her cheek.

"But they did have a nanny, just when i am out on business" Jess said. "I need to go home" She added.

"No stay till the end of the week" Ross insisted.

"Fine but I don't have any spare clothes" she told him.

"It's okay, I am sure Isla won't mind sharing her dresses with you" he told her, looking at Isla.

"Of course yes" Isla agreed. Ross showed her to the spare room and she tried to make it homely as possible for herself, Isla handed her a nighty to wear for the night, while she took the ribbon out of her hair, Isla left to join her lover in their room.

Ross was already in bed, it was just his torso was exposed from under the bed covers. "How are you feeling?" she quizzed him.

"Better" he said pecking her lips and rolling over and wrapped his strong arms around Isla, she felt safe and happy. That night Jess found it hard to sleep, had she been too harsh to her cousins, no! She was just doing what needed to be done, just no one had the confidence to tell them. Well Jess had never been afraid to speak her mind.

She lit the candle in her room, and began to pace up and down, the floorboards squeaking under her bare feet. She needed to go for a ride to clear her head. So she got changed and quietly slipped out the door, walking to the stable tacking up her horse and then galloped away from the house.

The horses thudding footfalls woke Ross up, but when he sat up not disturbing Isla, he couldn't see anything as her horse was as black as the night.

He ran his fingers through his hair and sighed, he sat on the edge of the bed. But he could see a light coming through under his door, so he got up and opened their door which creaked quietly and saw her door was open, with the candle burning and walked in but before he blew the candle out, he saw two death certificates poking out of a mountain of paper.

Ross pulled them out gently and one was for her son Michael Anthony Poldark, the other her daughter Lucinda Patricia Poldark. 'Why didn't she say anything earlier?' He asked himself.

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