Chapter II

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Isla didn't know what warmth was, until she laid on the cotton sheets and pulled the cotton duvet over her small shoulders, Ross had even lit the fire in her room for her. Without hesitation she fell asleep as soon we her head was laid down on the splendidly decorated pillow.

Isla managed to sleep the whole night in peace,without having to worry about her father wandering into her room late at night, after being at the tavern and had drunk his soul away to the devil, he would have his belt in his hand and it would be Isla who would receive the lashes, the beatings and the verbal abuse, about how she does nothing for the family. How she doesn't bring enough money into the house, she's the reason why it can't be repaired.

Her brother and sister just cowered under their beds as they covered their ears from Islas screams. It was soon morning she the cockerel cried out into the wet, blustery day. Isla woke up feeling more refreshed and rested then she ever had been before, she then stretched, scratched her head and then got out of the bed.

The cold wooden floor creaked under he light footfalls, she then got ready and prepared to leave when Ross met with her in the corridor. "I trust you slept well?" he inquired.

"Very, Mr Poldark sir" she answered nervously looking at the floor. "Have you accepted my offer?" he asked leading her into his study.

"I am not sure sir, because if I do work here for you I will get punished by my father" she replied gazing around at the different objects in the room. Little did she know but her father was storming towards Ross' home, he was angry and was willing to drag his daughter back to her home.

Ross' servants slammed food in front of Isla, and gave her the most disgusted look. Ross had left to see his dear friend Elizabeth, there was a pounding on the door. "Mr Poldark open this door, I know you have my daughter!" he bellowed.

But only the servant opened the door. "She's in the dining room" Prudy said, Islas father slammed the door against the wall marking it, he stormed in and saw her sitting at the table. "Wretched girl you're coming with me!" he yelled grabbing her arm and dragged her out of he house, she tried all she could to pull against him and dig her nails into his skin but it was futile.

He dragged her the whole way home, with her struggling, crying and yelling. He threw her through the door by her arm and she heard her knees thud as they hit the cold hard stone of the cottage flooring. Her father wasted no time with punishing her, he stripped his belt off and marked her pure back with marks of crimson.

When he thought she had enough, he stopped and threw her into her room not caring about the pain and discomfort she was in. Isla tried to stay strong but she couldn't and the tears flooded her face, and turned her cheeks rosy red, she pulled her knees up into her chest and cried. Her brother Michael knocked on her door. "Isla?" her brother asked.

"I'm okay" she said wiping the tears from her eyes.

"Isla get out here now, your employer is here!" her father roared.

So she composed herself and tried to hide the fact that she had been crying, and pulled her shawl around her shoulders, hiding the wounds that plagued her back from her suffering. Isla walked out and saw her employer standing with her father. "I am here because you didnt come to do your job this morning, and for that you are coming with me to do double the hours but on the same pay" he explained to her.

Isla had no choice but to follow him out, the smartly dressed, proud man had mounted his dapple grey Irish Hunter and then helped Isla onto the horse, who whinnied in detest as there was too much weight on his back, then galloped to the stable of the manor house on the outskirts of the town. They just made it because there was carriage with two sleek liver Brabant horses who trotted elegantly next to each other, their footfalls fell in harmony with the rhythm of their majestic gait.

Isla's employer pushed her into the barn and told her to get ready to recieve the horses from the stable boy Austin, her employer welcomed the carriages passengers and she heard the horses clattering hooves on the courtyard of the great manor house, the sweating and panting horses came in there sides pulsing in and out as they tried to  catch their breath.

Austin handed the foaming horses over "come here my beauties" she said stroking their velvet muzzles, the horses only snorted lowly and followed the girl to the tethering rings, she tied a loose knot, so it would give if the horses were to bolt.

She groomed them and dried their coat of sweat before leading them into two stables and gave them food and water, just as she was shutting the stable door, Austin came in with another horse but it was the dark brown Irish Draught horse. Isla poked her head out of the stable door and saw Ross, she could see him better in the light and noticed he had a scar that extended from the top of his eye to the bottom of his stubble covered chin on the left side of his face, he glanced over towards the stable door but Austin pulled Isla back by her dress.

"What?" she asked spinning on her heel.

"Stablehands are not to be seen" Austin reminded her. "Now go take care of that horse" he ordered pushing her over towards the tethered horse, so she untacked the horse and began to groom the horse, then lead him into the stable and began to muck out the stable next door to the Irish Draught horse.

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