Chapter 26

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The morning was barely recognisable; the dark curtain shielded any vast expanses of light from flowing in. It was only the slumbering angel that lay next to me, fidgeting in his sleep that woke me. He let out soft murmurs as he turned, wrapping his heavy arm around my still naked waist. I couldn’t help but smile at his childish antics, the way he craved someone to hug him while he slept and his unwillingness to release me from his sub-conscious grip.

“Harry,” I whispered, giggling. I knew he was still deep in his sleep, but a part of me felt bad for trying to wriggle from his grasp, knowing that he was just as human as everyone else, wanting to not be alone. He released a deep humming sound, startling me slightly. I turned around faintly to see his droopy eyes prying themselves open, shielding themselves from the little amount of light there was in the small room. He raised a smile as his eyes began to focus on me. It was a while before he spoke, but when he did, he released it in a low, morning monotone.

“Morning beautiful.” He said lovingly, pressing his arms onto the comforting warmth of the blankets, and pushing himself up so he was resting on the back wall. I gave him a small kiss as reply, both of our morning breaths cancelling each other’s out. His lips weren’t the usual soft texture I was used to, instead they were coated in a thin layer of dead skin from the lack of moisture the night had caused. I smiled anyway, adoring the feeling of love I felt inside of me. I jumped up without any reason, grabbing the small black knickers from the corner of the room and throwing them on (although they were used). I realised that the little dress on the floor was the only clothing I had. I looked at it for a few seconds, knowing that it was far too formal to be worn on under normal circumstances.

“You can wear some of mine,” Harry started, his mouth forming the shape of an “O” as he yawned widely. “I brought spares.” He continued, pointing to the small black rucksack in the corner of the room that I had failed to notice. I gave him a loving smile, walking over to the rucksack in just my underwear, my scar on full show. But I didn’t care, the thought of Harry judging me was almost non-existent, besides, things couldn’t get much more personal than what happened last night.


I yawned widely as Harry and I sat hand in hand in the front of his gleaming black Range Rover. Out of the window, people casually strolled by in a lazy weekend pace, although hours from now, the streets would once again be buzzing from pre-party jubilations. Harry adjusted the volume of the radio, turning the unfamiliar song to a lower drone.

“Is your dad going to be angry?” He asked, raising one of his eyebrows, although not turning to face me, focusing on the tight gridlock that we were currently held in. I thought about what he asked, pondering the question myself. My dad didn’t want me to stay out all night, especially with some boy that he’d never met before, but after seeing what Harry had done for me, I wasn’t going to deny him my presence…I’m glad I didn’t.

“Probably yeah…” I said fiddling with the tassels on the jogging bottoms that Harry had lent me. “But I don’t care…I’m glad I stayed with you…” I assured, entwining my hand with his and giving him a broad smile. He reciprocated, his face lit up as he sensed the truth in my eyes, but his gaze quickly returned to the road in front of us.


We arrived at my house about an hour later, the road being clogged with morning drivers and people with major hangovers. He pulled up to my house and released his hands from the wheel, running his hands through his curly hair; pushing it out of his angelic face. His gaze quickly tracked mine, noticing the sadness in my eyes.

“What’s wrong?” He asked, his hand moving onto my knee. 

“I’m just…I’m going to miss you…last night was the most fun I ever had…” I ended with a smirk that I knew Harry would appreciate. Harry moved his head closer to mine, his natural boyish scent filling my nostrils, sending a shiver down my spine. His lips traced the top of my ear and his warm breath panted down on the skin of my neck.

“If it helps…I’m not done with you yet…” He declared in a dark mannerism, his once sweet and caring nature transforming into one of a more sinister conduct. Although his words were callous and sexual, a blushing smile crept onto my face; my arms and legs went limp at the promise of more…more of Harry’s lustrous touch, exhilarating thrill and incomprehendable bliss. He moved his head away, after nibbling the bottom of my ear lobe a little. I knew my face was lit up an unimaginable red, due to the pure excitement I felt in my core, the trembling of my lips making it evident to Harry that I was completely his.

“Don’t worry love, I’ll be gentle.” He announced, swivelling his legs round and pushing his door open, slamming it shut as he jumped out. I was frozen in a state of utter shock as his words sunk in, “I’ll be gentle.”

Harry tugging my door open with a heavy thud ripped me from my abrasive thoughts. He took my hand and gently pulled me out of his car, my feet landing on the cold pavement below, the chill being felt through the sole of the shoes that Harry had lent me. He walked me to my door, my eyes firmly stuck to the pavement below us. I knew Harry was looking at me, I felt it.

“Look, I’ll call round tomorrow okay, I’ll take you to school.” He promised, taking my face in his palms. I gave him a smile before moving my face closer to his and placing a kiss on his lips. He pulled away, gently biting my lip as he did, leaving a lasting impression on the tingling nerves.

“See you tomorrow.” He uttered. Those words had become something of a catchphrase to Harry, every time he saw me, he said them words, and every time he told the truth. My body felt cold as Harry’s embrace left me, I felt unfinished. He got back in his car and sped down the road, out of sight. I was alone, once again.

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