Chapter 21

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“Dad! Have you seen my boots?” I shouted down the stairs. I was frantically running around the house preparing for Harry. Dad let out a disgruntled sigh as I heard his footsteps trail around the house, opening the shoe cupboard once again. I allowed him a minute to search, hovering at the top of the winding staircase and tightly gripping the banister.

“Got them!” He shouted. He sounded just as excited as I did. I nodded to myself and ran back up the few stairs behind me, into my room. I stood in front of the full-length mirror, observing myself one more time before stepping downstairs to show my dad. I wasn’t sure about what I had on, but Harry had suggested I wear something a little more adventurous than jeans and a tee shirt.

I fiddled with my dress, desperately trying to make it fall a little lower than the position it was in, halfway down my thighs. The neckline cut straight across my collarbones and the sleeves only covered the tops of my shoulders. The dress itself was almost black, although it was meant to be a midnight blue, which I guessed would be indistinguishable given the time of night. The waist of the dress was flattering, giving me the figure I desired and showing none of the unnecessary tummy I had feared. I gave myself one last look over before going downstairs to collect the boots off Dad.

I walked down the stairs anxiously, nervous about what dad would say about my attire. He’d never seen me like this before, never seen me make any type of effort for a boy before, especially not like this. I opened the door that connected the stairway to the living room, and apprehensively walked in. Before I had even seen my dad, I heard a gasp. I turned to close the door with my eyes squinted shut, hoping that the noise I had heard was in approval. I twisted to face him. He stood there, his hand over his mouth and a glint of a tear in his eye.

“Dad, I swear to god if you cry…I will too, and I am not re-doing my makeup.” I said. Before I had time to ask for the boots, dad ran over to me and squeezed me tightly, pushing all the air out of my lungs. My dad and I had never shared a hug like this before. Seriously, we had an awkward relationship. He didn’t understand women that well, with being an only child; he had grown up with his dad. My mother was his first girlfriend and well…he had never had a predominant female in his life.

“You look just like your mother.” He whispered to me, retaining the male dominance he had always exerted. It was an honour that I looked anything like my mother, she was beautiful. Truly beautiful. She had the same hair as me and the same eyes, although hers shone a much more brilliant shade of blue. She had a long slender body, and held the same youthful look she had always carried. I loved her with all my heart, and I missed her dearly. I’ve always thought about finding her again, but I was scared. Scared that maybe she was different, that she might me dead…Caleb had stolen the mother I loved, and it was my fault, it was because I was too stupid to push Caleb away. It was because I fell in love with him, I fell in love with danger.

 My dad patted me on the back before pulling away, taking in my appearance once again and handing me a pair of big black boots.

“No! Not them ones!” I exclaimed. Dad looked at them in a confused manner.

“I did wonder why you would wear them with that dress.” He confirmed, before throwing them back in the cupboard. I looked around in the small opening beneath the stairs; desperately looking for the boots I desired, but I couldn’t find them. I instead found a pair of black lace heels. They weren’t perfect, but they would suit the dress I suppose. I put them on, they were a little too small, but they fitted with the dress almost perfectly, although were a little hard to walk in.

I cautiously stood up from my position, hoping that they weren’t too impossible to manoeuvre. I walked with relative ease, although I knew that if there was any alcohol at this place that Harry was taking me, I’d be the first one on the floor. I looked at my dad, who was still stood in the doorframe, looking at me with adoration. He walked towards me, placing his hands on my shoulder and giving me a smile.

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