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" so what's the stone called?" i asked as i turned it side to side

" its called alexandrite."

"is it rare? because i have never heard of it before."

" its one of the rarest of all colored gemstones and is famed for its color change from green in daylight to red under incandescent light." he explained

" cool, i like it."

" good its in both you necklace and your ring, its to keep you protected from sunlight."


"its like magic only its a gemstone -- a rare on."

" what gemstone have you got?"

" benitoite ."

"is that rare too?"


"can i..?" i said

"yeah here." he took his ring off, it was beautiful, it was a fluorescent intense blue-white which a human eye in natural light alone could never identify they would have to use a UV light but since my senses were all enhanced i could see, smell, feel, hear things much more quicker, when i looked at mine i could see hints of red in the gemstone, these must have been expensive if there rare.

" right come on my lovely summer dove time to go hunting."

"what are we going to hunt?"

"animal ."he said smiling, i smiled back

i was about to walk into the room to see if tori was awake when i heard her talking to someone... she was talking to Charlie, i put my ear to the door and concentrated on there voices.

"... will you marry me?" Charlie said

"oh my god... " tori said

i stood there stunned, how dare he take my princess, i was shaking in anger now, she was mine, i will get her back, no one will stop me now even Charlie, i walked off down the hallway then ran down the stairs, i walked out of the hotel door, then went to a bar and sat on a stool.                 
"hi, one whisky please." i said to the waitress                                                            "sure" she turned around to get a cup then started to fill the glass up which gave me time to address her, she had purple streaks in her black hair, a crop top showing off her, tone, tanned body, she had skinny jeans, as she gave me my drink i glimpsed at her eyes under her think, long black eyelashes which were hazel, she was very pretty with  all the make up she had on  but if she had none on she'd be a normal human, with her natural pretty features.                    "thanks" i said looking at the liquid in the glass, i stirred it around a bit then took a drink, i thought this was better to drown my sorrows but its not since i was getting absolutely off my face, but it doesn't really harm my decision i was angry and broken why shouldn't i? its my dead life i can do as i wish with it because I'm old enough, i couldn't give a damn if my cousin of a fool proposes to my princess, i don't get a damn.                                                                but he'll regret it believe me, he'll regret taking my princess, i sighed, everything is worthless trying to plot a evil plan on my cousin all because of a girl, we'll newsflash I'm not evil, i never will be I'm just have more of a dark, shady personality, i cant help the way i am, I'm a bad boy but i wouldn't hurt anyone under any circumstances, unless they try and hurt the people who are innocent and vulnerable then i kill them especially if they harm my princess, my flawless beautiful princess tori.. huh sounds sappy but i don't care she is mine and ill prove to her who she really loves, i can tell that she likes me, every time she pleas, every time she shivers when i touch her, every time i kiss her she blushes, i can feel the urge to kiss me, to stay In my arms fight her, but she's strong I'll give her that, i just don't see why she fights it, i mean yes she's in love with my cousin but i could do much more for her, after one last drink i went back to the hotel, i didn't really know what for though.

" Mackenzie do you think she's okay?" i asked

"yeah, she's got Charlie and Ace, I'm sure she'll be waking up anytime now." Mackenzie reassured me

"yeah, but that night at the prison in Alcatraz was so scary, she was dying and all i did was sit there and talk stupidly! I'm a horrible friend ." i  said putting my head in my hands my dirty blonde hair fell forward

"you are not! you tried your best and that's all any friend could do! you were brave you didn't faint or go crazy or anything! don't put yourself down it wont do you any good!" Mackenzie said softly

i lifted my head up combed my hair back off my face and looked at her with my cornflower blue eyes which were tearing up" but she still died!"

"yes that wasn't your fault! she made a heroic decision to save Charlie who she loves unconditionally with all her heart!"

" but if i had only stopped her, if i had just moved and told her..."

"what? do you think she would've listened?"


"no she wouldn't have, so stop beating yourself up about it, okay? we have reality to deal with, we need to be focused on what's going to happen next."

" i guess your right." i sighed

"now" Mackenzie said " how about we go out for dinner my treat."

i smiled then got up " sure ."                                                                                                                                        we made our way out grabbing a jacket on the way and Mackenzie grabbed her bag, i grabbed my phone and switched the plug off which had my charger in, then we went out and locked the room.

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