A Love Unreturned ©️

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I found myself on the floor,

I didn't know what to do anymore,

For my heart and mind is engaged on a civil war.

I'm really confused,

Between being loved and being used,

Am I just here to keep you amused ?

When I thought that you feel the same.

To you, was this really all a game?

I knew what it was but I stayed, I'm hurt and I'm the one to blame.

Because I thought that you'll learn,

To return the feelings that I yearn.

Instead, all I get in return is a rose thorn.

All I asked is for you to stay at my side,

Was it too hard to try that you have to lie to keep your pride?

Thus I knew the answer, because tears are already dried.

With what I saw from afar,

My mouth was left ajar,

I know I acted like I didn't care, but this is really all I fear.

As I sit behind this screen,

I wish to unsee was has been seen.

And you clearly know what I mean.

All those times you waste on her,

Spending those nights together,

While I was left all alone to wonder.

Am I being loved or being used?

Heart already has been bruised.

But I keep using the same excuse.

'He loves me, I know it.'

Clearly knowing that its the opposite, I just refuse to admit.

Even though 'Us' is just a misfit.

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